Superman The Animated series 2014 (series 2), Batman The New Adventures 2014, Batman The Animated Series 2015

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Superman The Animated series 2014 by Hasbro (series 2)
Batman The New Adventures 2014 by Hasbro
Batman The Animated Series 2015 by Hasbro

Well we last talked to the head sculptor on the Timmverse projects for Hasbro at 35. He wasn't present for for 36 & Hasbro had nothing to show us. When we walked into 37 we were more than excited to see the sculptor who goes by the name of "Clayface" there at the Hasbro table. He seems to be really be in charge of rejuvenating this line for Hasbro. Last time he had some good info & pics of things to come.

We approached the Hasbro booth & he instantly recognized the CC staff.

CLAYFACE: Hey how are you all doing? I'm sure by now you were able to get your hands on the STAS figures that I revealed to you at the last con. They've been in stores for some time now & have been a success. As promised at the last con if these were popular enough we were going to move forward with with production of series 2 & some BTAS/TNBA line.

At this time Clayface is interrupted by Sr. design project manager on the project Vickie Strathfern.

VS: This time don't leak as much info as you did last con. I will tell you all that this project has been even more of a success that we imagined & we will continue with the line.

CC 37 staff: Miss Strathfern we do have a question. We noticed that DC collectibles is now going to be producing 6 inch figures based on the animated license. Will this have any effect on your line or what figures can be produced.

VS: Good question. DC is looking at the 6 inch articulated line & the 4 inch 5 point line as 2 separate entities. Just because they produce a 6 inch version of a character does not stop us from making a 4 inch version & vice versa. We actually got the idea from them to make BTAS & TNBA individual lines. This way you may see the TNBA version of the Ventriloquist, but then at a later time we will be able to release the BTAS likeness. In fact Hasbro & DC collectibles may be working together on some things in the future.

(Ms Strathfern's phone rings)

VS: Excuse me I have to take this call.

CC 37 staff: So Clayface we heard Ms Strathfern mention not to reveal too much about the animated lines. What can you tell us?

Clayface: As I was saying series 2 for Superman is a go. They should be hitting stores before this Christmas. The series will include 8 figures. We got out Supes & some of the major players in series 1. This will include more of the supporting cast, not as popular villians, & we are starting on some Jack Kirby characters. Like I mentioned last con I spoke with you all the Batman line is a go also. We got the green light on the project due to the success of the STAS line. We are starting out with the TNBA styled characters. Series 1 will also consist of 8 figures & should be hitting stores the same time as Superman series 2. Then the Batman Animated series 1 will be hitting sometime in 2015. We did some really good things in the past with that line & we can use a lot of the same molds. Just some characters needed to be tweeked a bit to resemble their cartoon counterparts. I could see the look on your face when I mentioned reusing old parts. Trust me you won't be disappointed with what we are doing. We've only worked on 3 figures so far, but they turned out amazing. Series 1 will also be 8 figures for BTAS. 7 newly designed figures & we are re releasing Combat Belt Batman using the same molds from the 90's. We had to have a Batman & CB was actually a great figure that needed no changes. The TNBA line will have rubber capes & the BTAS line will have cloth. That decision was made so they can easily just blend it with everyone's past collection. Hey I hope that I gave you some useful info. I have some things to attend to. Enjoy the show.

CC 37 staff: Thank You so much for the info & your time.

There you have it, this should make fans of the Timmverse style figures very happy. Before Clayface left the booth he handed us a folder. It was filled with proof sheets that he submitted for design approval. He mentioned that these are the prototype versions of the figures & some minor things may be changed for release. But these designs have all been approved by Hasbro & DC executives.

Recipes - STAS, BTAS, TNBA

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Superman The Animated series 2014 by Hasbro (series 2)
Batman The New Adventures 2014 by Hasbro
Batman The Animated Series 2015 by Hasbro

Created by Clayface
Web site:


These are where I got some cast parts to help aid my in my creations:

STAS Darkseid - This is actually a Stew's Customs cast of the mattel prototype JLU Darkseid that was never released. I used the Legs & skirt from the retail JLU Darkseid figure.

STAS Desaad - Stew's Customs cast. All I did was assemble it & paint it.

STAS Kanto - Was made using the a mattel JLU Weather Wizard body & BTAS cape. Minor sculpting, most of this was paint work.

STAS Lana Lang - Was made using a mattel JLU Hawkgirl body, The head, hair & skirt were all sculpted.

STAS Lois Lane - Was made using a mattel JLU Wonder Woman body, JLU Supergirl skirt, & the hair was also from Wonder Woman with a lot of alterations & sculpting. The head was sculpted as was her jacket.

STAS Mr Myxzpltk - There is a Toybiz Marvel's Most Wanted Spat figure under there just so the arms were articulated. But he is pretty much all sculpting.

STAS Steppenwolf - Was made using a mattel JLU Green Guardsmen body/cape, sculpted over & a custom sculpted head.

STAS Weather Wizard - Was made using a mattel TNBA Two Face body, JLU Weather Wizard head which I had left over from making Kanto. How's that for making use of spare parts? The body was all sculpted over.

TNBA BabyDoll - Was made using some little polly pocket type figure. I sculpted the dress & the details. Baby's head was sculpted from scratch

TNBA Bruce Wayne - Kenner TNBA Two Face Body, with a Kenner Undercover Bruce Wayne head. Everything was repainted.

TNBA Commissioner Gordon - A cast from Geek Variety customs. I just assembled & painted it.

TNBA Jason Blood - Was made using a mattel JLU Gentleman Ghost body, mattel TNBA Two Face arms, mattel JLU SDCC Hal Jordan head cast from Stew's Customs, & sculpting.

TNBA Klarion - Was made using a TNBA Kenner Robin figure, the head was a TNBA Riddler cast from Geek Variety customs. Teekle the cat was made using a BTAS Catwoman Isis cast from Geek Variety. I obviously did some sculpting to the head, cat & body.

TNBA Robin - Was made using a mattel JLU Flash body, JLU Tom Turbine arms, JLU Green Lantern legs, Kenner TNBA variant Batman cape, & a head cast from Stew's Customs.

TNBA Ventriloquist - Was made using a Kenner BTAS Riddler body. Most of this is sculpted from scratch including his suit, head, & Mr Scarface puppet.

BTAS Clock King - Was made using a mattel JLU Clock King figure. The hat is from a Kenner TNBA Riddler figure

BTAS Red Hood - Was made using a mattel SDCC Flight Suit Hal Jordan body, Kenner TNBA Two Face gun cast from Geek Variety customs. Both heads were sculpted from scratch.

BTAS Riddler - Was made using a mattel TNBA Two Face body, SDCC Flight Suit Hal Jordan arms, Kenner BTAS Riddler head & hands.

BTAS Ventriloquist - Used a Kenner BTAS Ventriloquist upper body, Kenner BTAS Pogo Stick Joker legs, Mr Scarface Puppet cast from Stew's Custom's