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CollectorDASH for Action Figures

September 13, 2012 - (Sponsor Announcement) - A note from CollectorDASH for Action Figures:

Get Organized with DASH for Action Figure Collectors

There comes a time in every action figure collector's life when the disorganized and constantly growing army of figures is too great a force to overcome. They seem to be crawling their way out of storage boxes, toppling off shelves, and finding their way into your every stray thought. It's not hard to become a maniac when your collection gets that far out of hand. For all the disorganized maniacs out there, you need CollectorDASH for Action Figures on your side of the battle.

You can join our developing community of action figure collectors that have finally organized their collection using the one-of-a-kind DASH platform. All you have to do is join for free, easily add figures to your persistent online collection with a single click, and then feel at ease that the war against a messy collection is over at last.

And to help you get organized, we have the largest catalog of action figures in the world, capturing every detail of over 40,000 figures. It's a snap to buy and sell action figures from your collection directly on DASH. Upgraded members can also consult our comprehensive action figure price guide or get reports on the total value of their collection. There's simply no better way to keep track of your figures than with DASH.

There are a lot of great things coming in DASH's future, so pull up a seat, grab some popcorn, and get a head start by joining CollectorDASH for Action Figures today.

CollectorDASH for Action Figures

Submitted by News on Thu, 2012-09-13 20:41


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