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Dark Horse Digital Star Wars Black Friday Sale




For 72 hours, Dark Horse Digital will offer 153 single-issue Star Wars comics for $100! A savings of over $370!

November 16, 2012, MILWAUKIE, OR - Dark Horse Comics is rocking Black Friday madness with a very exclusive limited offer to its digital comics readers...

dark horse

Feast your optic sensors on this year's Black Friday MegaBundle: Next weekend only, you can get over 150 digital Star Wars comics for the crazy-low price of only $100.

Get classics like The Clone Wars, The Old Republic, and all three arcs of Crimson Empire. Your favorite Sith friends are here too, with two different Darth Maul series and two new Darth Vader series, plus the latest Sith adventure, Lost Tribe of the Sith.

All comics starring your favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett, are included, plus the new Imperial spy comic, Agent of the Empire.

Go back in time to the origins of the Jedi in Dawn of the Jedi, to one hundred years after the films end with Legacy, and more!

Over 3,772 pages of Star Wars goodness! This sale will begin at midnight (PST), Friday November 23 and runs through Sunday November 25th!

The free Dark Horse Digital comics app is now available worldwide through all modern web browsers and features cloud storage in both the Android and iOS apps.

Stop by Dark Horse Digital and get all the Star Wars comics you could want and more!

About Dark Horse Digital

Founded in 1986 by Mike Richardson, Dark Horse Comics has grown to become the third-largest comics publisher in the United States and is acclaimed internationally for the quality and diversity of its line. In 2011, the company that revolutionized the comic industry proudly presented its groundbreaking digital-publishing program, Dark Horse Digital.

Having launched with hundreds of titles, Dark Horse Digital offers its most popular titles at an unprecedented value, while providing the highest-quality reading experience possible. Single-issue comics are priced as low as just $0.99, and there is also an extensive list of free introductory #1 issues. Additionally, DH Digital's "bundles" group together story arcs spanning multiple issues into affordable packages, allowing readers to get the three or four issues that comprise a complete narrative, starting at just $3.99 and up. And through cloud-based technology, Digital Store purchases can be read and enjoyed on your laptop, desktop, mobile browser, and Dark Horse Bookshelf app, available now on iTunes.

To get started, simply log on to or download the app to create an account, and begin building your collection today.

Submitted by News on Sat, 2012-11-17 16:12


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