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Ares Games Partners to Relaunch the Brand Wotan Games


Ares Games Partners to Relaunch the Brand Wotan Games

Ares will publish British-based Wotan Games' new release Camelot the Build

Camaiore, Italy - February 28, 2013 - Ares Games announced today that they have entered into a publishing contract with Wotan Games to produce Wotan Games' Camelot the Build, the first product from Wotan Games in more than twenty years.

Camelot the Build is from game designer Julian Musgrave and continues Wotan Games theme of the Arthurian legend. It is a tile laying game of medieval castle building with all sorts of dubious stratagems, cunning tricks and subtle ploys.

"I have known the team at Ares for a number of years and found them to be great people," said Laurence O'Brien, Director of Business Development for Wotan Games. "Looking at the quality of their production and games it was a logical step to work with them."

"Wotan Games have always offered great games and when they approached us we saw the proven track record," said Christoph Cianci, CEO of Ares Games. "They are looking to create quality hobby products and it has been great working with them."

Camelot the Build is set to be launched at GenCon in August 2013. Wotan Games will be at GenCon and a number of conventions in 2013, including UK Games EXPO.


Wotan Games is a British board game design and publisher established in 1984. For 10 years they produced titles such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Excalibur and Merlin. For more information, visit the website and Facebook page -

Ares Games is an Italian board game publisher established in 2011 to create quality hobby products for the international audience. Ares Games is the publisher of the award-winning War of the Ring board game and of the Wings of Glory range of airplane combat games and miniatures, recreating aerial warfare in WW1 and WW2. For more information, visit the website and

Submitted by News on Sun, 2013-03-03 17:29


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