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Recipes - Marvel Legends Golden Age Series 2 Two Packs

Marvel Legends Golden Age Series 2 Two Packs

Created by CRobTheCreator (
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Father Time:

WWE Legends Terry Funk body with WWE RA Randy Orton head, craft foam, and a ML Dr. Doom Cloak. Scythe as made from a Wooden dowel and fodder.

Captain Terror:

ML SHIELD agent head with Sculpey III, ML Nova forearms, and ML Longshot body with Sculpey III. Bandana is from WWE RA figure

The Destroyer:

ML Legends Face Off Punisher Body/SHIEID Agent with craft foam, ML Captain America hands and feet, and X-men classics archangel head.

The Fin:

TNA Sonja Dutt head with Sculpey III and craft foam, Ml Nova body with craft foam, and Dark Knight Movie Masters Batman arms with DCUC hands


DCUC Samurai with Sculpey III and Craft foam and TNA Christian Cage Head.

Black Marvel:

DCUC Classics Batman with DCUC Hawkman head and boots from Dr. Midnite.

Submitted by News on Mon, 2012-04-30 20:49


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