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AFX-Exclusive ARTFX+ Shock Trooper 2-pack at Wondercon

AFX-Exclusive ARTFX+ Shock Trooper 2-pack at Wondercon

February 27, 2012 - A KOTOBUKIYA Japanese import! Star Wars ARTFX+ Statues bring you all of the quality and detailing that you expect from an ARTFX release in a great smaller scale perfect for collecting! Following in the footsteps of the sold out Stormtrooper Commander 2 Pack is the latest elite version of the Clone Troopers as seen in Revenge of the Sith, the SHOCK TROOPER 2 PACK!

AFX-Exclusive ARTFX+ Shock Trooper 2-pack at Wondercon

Submitted by News on Tue, 2012-02-28 03:56


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