Milestones: African Americans in Comics, Pop Culture and Beyond
Geppi's Entertainment Museum to Stage "Epic" New Exhibit
(Baltimore, Maryland) February 29, 2012 - Up until now there has been no serious attempt to showcase African Americans in the world of comic books, and the impact of their creative excellence, which has been a mainstay of the industry for as long as comics have been an American art form. That will change during Black History Month 2013 as Geppi's Entertainment Museum (GEM) presents Milestones: African Americans in Comics, Pop Culture and Beyond, a major special exhibit developed and curated by Michael Davis, co-founder of Milestone Media.
The special exhibit will run from February 1, 2013 until March 1, 2014 and it will feature not only the work of mainstream Black creators, but also that of those who consider themselves outside the mainstream, and even those who want nothing to do with the mainstream.
Submitted by News on Thu, 2012-03-01 03:18