Special Olympics USA Games Names First Founding Partner With $1 Million Pledge From the Toys"R"Us Children's Fund
PRINCETON, N.J., March 15, 2012 -- The Organizing Committee of the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games and Toys"R"Us® today announced a $1 million commitment from the Toys"R"Us Children's Fund, making Toys"R"Us the first Founding Partner of the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games. In addition to its Founding Partner status, Toys"R"Us will be the Presenting Sponsor of the Young Athletes™ Festival, a first-of-its-kind feature at a Special Olympics USA Games event.
The Toys"R"Us Young Athletes Festival will provide opportunities for children, ages 2-7, and their families to take part in the Special Olympics Young Athletes program, Healthy Athletes® activities and family seminars geared toward the future stars of Special Olympics.
Submitted by News on Sat, 2012-03-17 00:17