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DST & IDW Unleash Battle Beasts at C2E2

Battle Beasts

Diamond Select Toys and IDW to Unleash the Battle Beasts at C2E2!

San Diego, CA (April 13, 2012) - Since 2010, Diamond Select Toys has been searching to find the right partner to introduce their Battle Beasts brand to a broader audience. Now the search is over, and DST and IDW Publishing have teamed up to immortalize a new breed of Beasts! At this year's Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), which runs from April 13-15, the two companies will offer a taste of what's to come: DST will give out an ashcan preview of IDW's upcoming BATTLE BEASTS comic-book mini-series, as well as an exclusive promo Minimate of one of the book's lead characters!

Battle Beasts

Submitted by News on Thu, 2012-04-12 16:50


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