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Where's My Water?

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Where's My Water? Swampy's Underground Adventures

Disney Where's My Water? Presents: Swampy's Underground Adventures Launches On And Disney's YouTube Channel

BURBANK, Calif., Oct. 18, 2012 -- Disney Interactive announced today the online launch of the new short form animated video series, Disney Where's My Water? Presents: Swampy's Underground Adventures on and Disney's YouTube channel at, with plans to premiere the short form series on Disney Channel beginning in November. Swampy's Underground Adventures follows the hilarious and unpredictable adventures of Swampy, Disney's first original character born on mobile and star of Disney's #1 new mobile franchise Where's My Water?. The series also marks the first production from Disney Interactive's collaboration with YouTube to bring original family-friendly video series to the web.

Submitted by News on Wed, 2012-10-24 00:39

Where's My Perry? and a Free LEGO Monster Fighters App

July 13, 2012 - LEGO has a very nice selection of free apps available for the iPad and iPod, so every so often, I'll do a new search to see if there are new ones that the boy might be interested in. It's been over a month since I searched last, and today I found three new ones:

Submitted by Bobbi on Fri, 2012-07-13 14:08


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