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Star Wars Celebration

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Star Wars Update from Hasbro

August 10, 2012 - Hasbro has sent out an update about Star Wars:

Dear Star Wars fans,

We hope everyone is getting geared up for Star Wars Celebration VI next week! In anticipation of the show, the Star Wars team wanted to share two important pieces of information.

Vintage Line News:

The last Vintage wave of 2012 will be released online only. The figures will be available on Amazon, Entertainment Earth, Big Bad Toy Store, Brian's Toys, and other specialty shops. The figures are listed below.

(RTM note: reader BKP noticed that Episode VI Weequay Hunter was not on this list, but we checked the Big Bad Toy Store listing and they do show him in the case.)

Droid Factory Parts Swap at Celebration VI: "Yes, these are the droid parts you are looking for!"

Submitted by News on Sat, 2012-08-11 00:10


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