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Good online sources for Marvel Universe 2012 waves?

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Wed, 2012-09-05 06:16
Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

Marvel Universe in my area just isn't happening... too many of the local stores have either dropped it (Walmart) or don't restock (Target-- I'm pretty sure that the white Iron Fists aren't going to restock themselves!) and our TRU is drowning in previous waves.

Apparently I missed out on the 2012 wave 2 the other day at Walmart, finding a lone Future Foundation Spidey remaining.

So, what are some good online sources for these guys?

I've signed up for Impulse Creations notification system but it never seems to work. The best price on the new sets that's I've seen seems to be right now but was curious who else folks are using for their MU figs.




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