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CPSC Recalls: Where to Get Information



August 8, 2013 - Each week, we post the toy (and child-related) recalls from the Consumer Product Safety Commission web site. They offer an email service to let you know about their recalls, but this week, they sent this out with other ways to keep up with the recall announcements:

When we first launched CPSC recall e-mails, many other electronic forms of communications didn't exist. Now that so many of you receive information in multiple ways, we want to make sure you know all the ways you can receive recall information from CPSC.

1. Twitter @OnSafety: We post nearly all recalls and all news releases on our Twitter feed. You'll also receive important safety messages, tips and other information. Url:

2. Flickr: Photos are a priority for us, as they help you identify if you own a recalled product. You can find the photos of many recalled products on our Flickr page. Url:

3. Google+: CPSC recently launched a page on Google+. We are still experimenting with how many recalls we post on this page and are open your thoughts on what you want to see here. For now, we're posting Recall Roundups and some of our larger recalls on Google+. Url:

In addition to these social media platforms CPSC posts all recalls on its website at Recalls and Consumer Safety Reports are available on We encourage you to search for products you own or are thinking of buying to see what others have told us about those products.

Submitted by News on Thu, 2013-08-08 19:52


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