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DST On Sale January 2: Darth Vader and Infinity Gauntlet Bottle Openers

On Sale This Week: Darth Vader and Infinity Gauntlet Bottle Openers!

January 2014 - It's New Year's Eve – what better was to ring in the new year with a refreshing beverage? And what better way to open a refreshing beverage than with two of the coolest bottle openers ever made? Two new metal bottle openers from Diamond Select Toys hit comic shops today, and whether you're a fan of Dark Lords of the Sith or Thanos the Mad Titan, you'll want to stop by your nearest store on the way to tonight's festivities and pick one (or both) up!

Diamond Select Toys

Diamond Select Toys

Star Wars Darth Vader Metal Bottle Opener

Submitted by News on Thu, 2014-01-02 16:24


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