Battle Beasts #2 from IDW Attacks Your Comic Shop Today!
August 15, 2012 - One month ago, the world was introduced to the world of the Battle Beasts, ferocious animal warriors from space who have descended on Earth for reasons unknown. Well, Issue 2 of the IDW Publishing mini-series arrives in comic shops this week, and we begin to learn the answers to some of our questions, as well as meet some bloodthirsty new Beasts! The issue has a regular cover featuring the three main characters by the series' interior artist, Valerio Schiti (TMNT), but one in ten covers is a rendering of Vorin by Jeff Zornow (Jurassic Park, Godzilla). Connect it with the chase covers of Gruntos and Merk on issues 3 and 4 to form an awesome triptych!
Battle Beasts Conquer Comic-Con!
Diamond Select Toys, IDW, Peavey and Coffin Case Launch Battle Beasts With New Toys, Comics and One-of-A-Kind Prizes at SDCC 2012!
July 2012 - At Comic-Con International 2012 in San Diego, Diamond Select Toys launched their latest original property, Battle Beasts, across multiple platforms, including toys, comics, animation and music. Each release of the weekend showcased a different aspect of the Battle Beasts brand that will make it a property to watch out for in the coming months.
The first Battle Beasts toys, utilizing Diamond Select's popular Minimates mini-figure body, went on sale at Comic-Con, in the form of a two-pack featuring protagonist Vorin and a show-exclusive character, Zik.
June 2012 - If you're coming to Comic-Con International in San Diego this year, be sure to stop by the Diamond Select Toys booth (#2607). Yes, there'll be plenty of exclusive toys on sale, from The Walking Dead, The Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers vs. X-Men and more (see the full list here). And yes, there will be display cases full of new prototypes from their Battle Beasts, Knight Rider and Expendables toy lines. But there will also be a few key events that you can't afford to miss out on!
Battle Beast Giveaways!
Submitted by News on Thu, 2012-06-28 16:35June 4, 2012 - It's almost that time of year again... the time of year when Diamond Select Toys hops on a plane across the country to attend the biggest pop-culture convention in America! San Diego's Comic-Con International 2012 will run from July 12-15, and DST will have a ton of fun events for you to attend, including a Minimates panel, a Battle Beasts signing, our Build-a-Minimate station and some cool, cool giveaways. But this year will also be a huge year for DST's exclusive toys! In partnership with Diamond Comics Distributors and the Previews catalog, DST will have the following exclusive items available for sale at their booth this year, and there's something for everyone!
AVX: Avengers Vs. X-Men Marvel Minimates Box Set
Submitted by News on Mon, 2012-06-04 15:28Diamond Select Toys and IDW to Unleash the Battle Beasts at C2E2!
San Diego, CA (April 13, 2012) - Since 2010, Diamond Select Toys has been searching to find the right partner to introduce their Battle Beasts brand to a broader audience. Now the search is over, and DST and IDW Publishing have teamed up to immortalize a new breed of Beasts! At this year's Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), which runs from April 13-15, the two companies will offer a taste of what's to come: DST will give out an ashcan preview of IDW's upcoming BATTLE BEASTS comic-book mini-series, as well as an exclusive promo Minimate of one of the book's lead characters!