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So the DC Universe re-branding was re-branded from DC Universe All-Stars to DC Unlimited and Batman Unlimited

5 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2012-07-03 13:50
Joined: 2012-01-03

A poster on another board found Entertainment Earth's listing for Batman Unlimited wave 1 containing:

  • New 52 Batgirl
  • New 52 Batman
  • Comic Penguin (probably that SP re-deco we've seen pics of)

I searched to see if there was a possible Superman Unlimited listing (none in sight) but found a DC Unlimited listing instead containing:

  • New 52 Superman
  • New 52 Flash
  • New 52 Hawkman

No idea what's happening to the Flashpoint Plastic Man, Superboy Prime, Larfleeze, or Batman Beyond


Mr. Tibbs

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Mockingbird's picture
Joined: 2012-06-29

My question is were are the vendors getting there information ?? I feel like there just guessing too...But if mattel is going to be doing the Matty Collector Subs in DCUC then we may see the Larfleeze, Plastic Man and Batman....Im just speculating but it makes since, Would mattle put all the money into prototypes and publicity just to not release ?? they have to know that the fans seen this stuff and it generated major interest...if not there's no hope because they aren't doing their market research at all !!!!

Joined: 2012-01-05

some, if not all of those figures were listed by mattel a few months ago. I saw the list. it seems that (mattel) was in some way going back to dcsh. from the info I have seen and heard, looks like a mixture of some dcsh with dcu to form the new line. these were solicits and we were trying to figure out in what direction mattel was going with dc in general. the banner at the time was under justice league.

Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm really doubting we'll actually see anything on retail shelves at this point. Re-branding the re-branding isn't a good sign of retailer interest. Losing the C&C is a dis-incentive for retailers, as they see the BAF concept as a way of decreasing the number of potential peg-warmers (the main reason Toy Biz introduced the concept into Marvel Legends; the BAF part gives buyers an added reason to buy a figure they might pass on otherwise). Doing so and reducing the price in the process might have helped, but every listing I've seen for the new DC figures has them as expensive if not more so than DCUC. With ML back on the pegs with the BAF and coming in around the same price point, I can see any re-arrangement of the DC line meeting with some retail resistance. Re-mixing assortments and re-naming the line doesn't fix those problems.

Mockingbird's picture
Joined: 2012-06-29

Lol sounds right on the mOney to me !!

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I would buy that Penguin. Best I can do.



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