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Avengers Phase 2 announced

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Mon, 2012-07-16 07:59
Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Avengers Phase 2 is now laid down and it is testing my patience already, and I am usually a ridiculously patient man.

Iron Man 3 teaser should be hitting the web soon and I’m jazzed that they’re using the Mandarin, even if he is being played by Ben Kingsley who I’ve never heard anything nice about.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier more or less gives away the main plot line. I’ve never read it or any of Brubaker’s Cap stuff but I’ve also heard only good things.

Thor: The Dark World leaves a lot to the imagination.

Ant Man directed by Edgar Wright should be crazy fun.

Guardians of the Galaxy is an odd choice but with Thanos already introduced it should fit in well. I really like the concept art that’s been released.

I know they recently green-lit Doctor Strange and it not being mentioned as a Phase Two movie suggests it’ll go under the Marvel Knights production, making it a stand alone movie.

And then there’s Fox now rushing production on a Fantastic Four and Daredevil reboots to hold on to those production rights, and we know how well rushed productions go.


- CP

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Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I really wish the proposed deal between Fox and Marvel to swap the film rights to Daredevil for the film rights to the Silver Surfer and Galactus had gone through. :/

Anyway, Avengers 2 got an official release date today: May 1st, 2015. By the time it's out, we'll have seen a lot more Marvel awesomeness on the big screen than we already have. =)

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm happier about them losing the Daredevil rights. I just always equate Silver Surfer to Fantastic 4 so having one without the other seems odd. But that's just me.

And back to Daredevil, I have a feeling if Marvel does anything with it, it'll fall under the Knights label which will set it in its own universe unconnected to the Avenger's stuff. That way they can make it a bit grittier, but hopefully not too much so, as shown by Waid's current run on Daredevil, he can be fun and serious at the same time and still be amazing.

Also, has anyone else heard about the Ant-Man test footage they showed at SDCC? It sounds crazy awesome and I want to see it so bad!


- CP


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