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Anyone finding Ra's or john Blake movies masters yet ?? Release date ?

23 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-07-20 12:23
Mockingbird's picture
Joined: 2012-06-29

Anyone finding Ra's or john Blake movies masters yet ?? Release date ? Be hounding Walmart, target and barns and noble no luck yet ....? Are the just gona show up ???

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Joined: 2012-01-05

had them last week. release date is today. odds are you will not find any, anytime soon. they have to get rid of their old stock at the store level as well at their respective dc's before the new stuff arrives.

Anonymous (not verified)

I'm sure Matty will hold back as many as they can and try to resell them through a subscription instead.

Capt. OCD (not verified)

Mockingbird, are you familiar with the word SPOILER? The use of the word is a courtesy that one can show other people when you don't want to ruin a surprise. I mention this because you listed Ra right in the title instead of in the body of the text with the word spoiler in the title. It would of been nice and unexpected to see Ra's cameo in the film. I use the past tense because I read your post before seeing the movie.

Mockingbird's picture
Joined: 2012-06-29

Hmm it's Been released in many posts plus at comicon panel... It's not a suprizes plus this is a toy form not a movie form so not sure were ur comment stands here.... Also just cause a figure comes out does not mean he is in the movie.....My apoligies to you....I'm just trying to help my fellow collectors and myself find a toy !!!

Joined: 2012-01-03

Capt. OCD, unless you haven't seen Batman Begins, then the Ra's figure is not a spoiler. Much like the Wal-Mart Jim Gordon is a Dark Knight figure (because of the axe to the Batsignal scene), Ra's is a Batman Begins figure (because of the gas mask accessory and outfit from the monorail battle scene).

Plus there is no spoiler here since this figure was rumored from a reliable source waaayy back before the 2011 New York Toy Fair as part of a Batman Legacy 2pk on another website. Then Mattel mentioned him in the product descriptions they gave to retailers to describe the Legacy line on their websites. Plus, type in Movie Masters Secret Figure on and the pic you'll see was there for a week before Rises opened.

Spoiler: Highlight to view
If anyone should be posting spoiler it's you since you mention a surprise cameo from a movie you just saw.


Mr. Tibbs

Capt. OCD (not verified)

Mr. Tibbs, the new Movie Masters are for Batman Rising. Everyone so far in the line is in the movie.I was wasn't surprised that Jim Gordon is in the line because he was always going to be in the film. Just because he has an axe doesn't make that much of a curve ball. (Hey if the Alfred figure came with a tray it is a Batman Begins figure!) In regards to typing secret figure in Amazon, I am sure you can admit that there is a difference. It means you actively going out of the way to find out things as opposed to just scanning the forums.
The spoiler thing is neat. I have only seen the word used in in titles as a way of letting the reader decide whether to open the post or not. I never seen it used in the blog itself.
Mockingbird, I didn't mean to be snarky. In regards to those figures I have yet to see even a Catwoman in person. I live in Delaware and I only know of one person in my nerd network that has come across that particular figure. My hopes aren't too high that I will see them any time soon. It could be like the Joker in the last line where people were paying crazy ebay money for a couple months and then it was everywhere. I imagine that unless short shipped the Blake figure will be a peg warmer. I know I wouldn't be getting it, like a sheep, if it wasn't for the bat signal piece.

Anonymous (not verified)

Capt. OCD wrote:
Mockingbird, are you familiar with the word SPOILER? The use of the word is a courtesy that one can show other people when you don't want to ruin a surprise. I mention this because you listed Ra right in the title instead of in the body of the text with the word spoiler in the title. It would of been nice and unexpected to see Ra's cameo in the film. I use the past tense because I read your post before seeing the movie.

It's Ra's from the end of Begins (he has gasmask he wore when the fear toxin was released.) The Gordon is actually from DKR. So no biggie. Plus having seen it, it hardly spoils anything (might help mislead a bit, actually.)

BrendanS (not verified)

It is absolutely from Batman Begins, even as part of The Dark Knight Rises line. The same way Scarecrow and Batman 1.0 were released under The Dark Knight line.

I can't stand spoilers, but calling this one is a little silly...the figure has nothing to do with The Dark Knight's from another movie entirely.

Joined: 2012-01-04

We've known the figure is coming for a while now, and, as has been pointed out, simply having a figure does not mean the character is in the film. Given the past of this line, it was most logical to assume that it was Mattel going back and giving us a Batman Begins Ra's in 6" form because people were requesting that. We didn't have a 6" Movie Masters line for Begins; that's why we got a Begins Batman costume in the last line, who didn't have a moment of screen time in DK.

Honestly, I'm seeing a lot more complaints about spoilers lately, and they are getting a little out of hand. I understand folks not wanting a blow by blow of major events or revelations in the film, but this goes beyond that. Next thing you know, someone will be mad because somebody revealed that that Lex Luthor is the villain in "Man of Steel II: Lex Luthor's Revenge!"

Capt. OCD (not verified)

Hey Scott, I didn't know that this figure was coming out. Maybe I am not as tune in. Who knows? [spoiler] Once again all of the current line is from the current movie, it is not a stretch to believe that the sixth figure is the new movie as well. Considering that the character was killed in the first movie, the idea that he is in the last one is kind of surprising. Of course that might not be a 'major revelation' but it is does qualify, in movie steeped in reality, as something unexpected. Ergo to find out out about it, at least in my book, is kind of a spoiler.
I had thought an understanding had been reached a couple days ago but by all means let's keep flogging this dead horse.

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

When everyone in a room knows something and you don't, that doesn't put them at fault.


Capt. OCD (not verified)

Scotty97, curious how you know "everyone in a room knows something "? I am not presumptuous enough to say that I am aware of what everyone that looks at this forum knows. Of course I am also not gifted with your supernatural powers of deduction. Please, for the sake of free world, use them only for good of humanity. Untold wealth, fame and women could be yours otherwise but it wouldn't be fair to the rest of us.

Anonymous (not verified)

Well, for one Captain OCD, you better fix your spoiler tags above, unless you were trying to be ironic by NOT hiding your "spoiler." And secondly, you are wrong in that post, Ra's in the black business suit and gas mask is only from Begins. Third all this discussion about Ra's only serves to mislead people about the movie rather than give them any insight.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Mattel never stated all the figures in the line appear in this movie, and the line has already released at least one figure last time from a previous movie. Saying the figure means he's automatically in the film is an assumption, not a fact, so his revelation can't be a spoiler for the film. Arguing further accomplishes nothing, so enough.

Of course, on a side note, you can have fun with this sort of thing, as well. I've always been tempted to follow Peter David's idea and watch "Titanic," then get up and yell at the end of the movie, "You gotta be kidding!!! We went through all that and the boat sank?!?!?" Laughing out loud

As for Ra's, he is out, he's in my pile of loot at BBTS (and clearly named there, no more "mystery figure" tag), so the whole point is rather moot from here on in, anyway. Blake didn't join him in the pile, so I'm not sure he's out yet (meaning I'm still one piece short of the full Batsignal). It's nice to finally have Ra's in the 6" scale; I just hope we don't run into the same problem as always with the first waves backing up too much for later waves to appear outside the web. Did any retailer get anything past wave 1.5 for Green Lantern? I've yet to see a trace of Catwoman on any pegs yet, just the first three (and Walmart's Gordon hasn't shown, either).

And going back to the Batsignal, I'm assuming Blake has the main workings, namely the light? Seems to me Mattel would give him the most desirable part to help him sell as he's the least known character.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Blake's Batsignal piece is the unshattered lens, Ra's has the rear portion with the light. They're both starting to show up, but online from all the posts I've read around the net.

Catwoman usually shows up on Amazon (not the sellers) and ended up getting the goggles-up version, and I saw (and bought) the goggles-up version at Barnes and Noble (the actual store, not online). If you have a B&N near you, you should try your luck there.


Mr. Tibbs

Joined: 2012-01-04

Interesting; I thought just the opposite. Then again, you need the lens for the signal or it's just a big flashlight, so there's still a good incentive to get Blake.

Hadn't heard about B&N getting the figures in, so thanks for the tip; I've got the goggles up version (off e-bay, as Mattel cancelled BBTS' orders), and I'm interested in seeing the other version. On mine, the goggles actually do flip down, so I was a little confused: is it just the position in the package, or are the goggles actually different for the down version?

Joined: 2012-01-03

The goggles can flip down on the goggles-up version (how easily depends on any overspray "gluing" them in place) but even if you flip them down, the outside of the goggles will be against her face and the inside of the goggles will be facing out. The side shields will be acting as blinders.

The goggles on the goggles down version are different. If you were to flip them up on her head, they wouldn't look like cat ears. She'd just look like a scuba diver.


Mr. Tibbs

Joined: 2012-01-03

Scotty97 wrote:
When everyone in a room knows something and you don't, that doesn't put them at fault.

I thought it was a spoiler too, so that makes at least two of us. Mattel/BBTS keeping the name as "secret", and releasing it after the movie premier date, was an indicator to me that it was something best not known until after the release of the movie.

Anonymous (not verified)

Guess Mattel was either being overly cautious/under studio orders, since a listing for Ra's, even if the called him "Begins Ra's" might cause people to make assumptions about the film. That or they hadn't decided whether to do him or Tate yet.

Anonymous (not verified)

In any case, let's get back to the point of the thread, have you seen them or not?

Joined: 2012-01-03

Anonymous wrote:
In any case, let's get back to the point of the thread, have you seen them or not?

Not at retail, but my BBTS preorder for Ras just came in. But not for Blake yet.

Mockingbird's picture
Joined: 2012-06-29

Well tired of searching and waitin, amazon's both of them for around 80, I know most of my area in north fort worth will be taken by employees.... Good luck from there, I think I figured out Mattels problem....they don't know we're they can make money.... But the scalpers do !!!!!!

Joined: 2012-01-04

Mr. Tibbs wrote:
The goggles can flip down on the goggles-up version (how easily depends on any overspray "gluing" them in place) but even if you flip them down, the outside of the goggles will be against her face and the inside of the goggles will be facing out. The side shields will be acting as blinders.

The goggles on the goggles down version are different. If you were to flip them up on her head, they wouldn't look like cat ears. She'd just look like a scuba diver.

Ah, thank you, that's what I wanted to know. I'll have to start checking around for that version, as well.


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