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DC Universe 52 Batman ,Superman,Superboy Prime & Red Robin Wave in at BBTS T

2 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-08-03 16:28
Wheelchair Rocker's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I stumbled over at BBTS & saw the DC Universe wave with the 52 Bats,Supes,Red Robin & Superboy prime were in stock at last. Ordered the Bats & Red Robin & looking forward to them.The sculpts look really great.
If you ordered them from BBTS,You'll be getting them soon.


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Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Thanks WR! I love that new Batman look and had to have SBPrime.


Wheelchair Rocker's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Brian,glad I could help.
With all the changes matty did with that assortment line ups and the possibility,they might get merged into the matty sub thing,Its good to see these are comming out at last.
I really like the new Matty 52 Bats due to the looks and you dont see the goofy tron type lines on the uniform.
I wont buy anymore DC Direct figures due to I have had to throw away so many with broken knees or plastic melt.
The matty stuff is far better & even though its a pain to find them,its worth it in the long run.
I can't wait for these to arrive!


6 Strings.....Ready To Go.


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