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Is anyone making figures for Dredd 3D?

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6 replies [Last post]
Sat, 2012-09-22 14:32
Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I loved the movie and would love to see a Hot Toys version...anyone hear news on the license?

thanks in advance!


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Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I saw it earlier today, and I really like it. I'm not an expert on the film's source material, but I'm decently familiar with it, and I think the film pretty much nails the overall tone of the comic's setting. Dredd's brutally to-the-point...

Spoiler: Highlight to view's just Judge Dredd (absolutely nailed by Karl Urban, IMHO) and Judge Anderson vs. an army of lawbreakers; definitely don't go into it expecting much more...

...which is just what it should be, and it's not something that ever takes itself too awfully seriously (it feels to me like a really good '80s action film at times) - which, again, is just what it should be. =)

Even after my initial rush from just seeing the movie settles down and I've though it over more and I'm better able to look at it more objectively, I'd still likely buy a well-made movie Dredd figure, so long as it isn't more than $30 or so.

...I might even buy two, and customize the second with with a helmetless Stallone head, just to be a troll. That'd be a great display conversation piece. XD

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

You hit it right on the head. It was definitely a solid action flick with the feel of an 80s movie. I definitely came home look for my legendary comic hero figure of Dredd to see if I could change them up a bit to reflect the movie version.

Sadly, I don't think anyone has the license for this and depending on the film success we might get lucky with a hot toys or enterbay version of this character at some point.


Jon's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Well Dredd's opening weekend bombed, big time. It took in around 6.27 million (a paltry 2.09 million a day) despite being on 2,506 screens, which is only about $2,500 per screen. :/

I'm sure it'll fare better when it's released in theaters overseas (especially in Great Britain), but it still looks like it's going to struggle to recoup it's $50 million budget before it lands on DVD and Blu-ray. I don't know if that'll affect whether or not we get any figures - a deal might've been cut before the film's release - but it certainly doesn't bode well for any sequels. =(

Edit: Just for kicks, I just checked 1995's Judge Dredd's lifetime gross on boxofficemojo.

On its opening weekend in the US, it was released in 2,204 theaters and made $12,291,536, for an average of $5,576 per screen. Overall, it made a little over $113,490,000 worldwide, about $34,690,000 (about 30% of its overall take) in the US, and about $78,800,000 (about 70% of its overall take) overseas.

This is total speculation, but using those numbers as a base, Dredd looks like it's on pace to make somewhere in the neighborhood of a grand theatrical total of around $60 million ($20 million in the US and $40 million overseas).

What a world, eh? :b

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

So much a figure line...might get a SS or HT version at best.


Anonymous (not verified)

There will be no toys, just like no toys 4 John carter. Only toys 4 Marvel and DC gets made.

Kurozuka's picture
Joined: 2012-07-17

Looking forward to seeing this movie this weekend. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Hopefully, some manufacturer will get licensing for toy line...



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