The Series 3 (or 2014 Series 1 depending on how you want to look at it) case packout just went up and it includes the first repack of Han Solo.
Personally I'm ok with the 3 figure wave, I'm sure it's a budget thing, but why repack Han Solo instead of doing 2 Storm Troopers? That seems like a no brainer to me.
That aside, I'm loving this line. So far the Sandtrooper is the only figure I don't have (just happier to have a couple regular Troopers), and I would've prefered any other Leia than the one we got, but so far those are the only shortcomings for my preferences. I'm even looking forward to the prequel Obi Wan because 1) it's Obi Wan, 2) Ewan McGregor did his best to not phone in his portrayal. Heck I'm even ok with a second version of Luke already.