For those of you who don't already know about these...
First is a project to resurrect the old Skeleton Warriors line as a Glyos-compatible line. It's supposed to be 3 3/4" scale, but this puts Baron Dark at 5". This one's got less than 2 weeks left to go, I'm afraid.
Next we've got this project that's looking to create a line of retro-style 3 3/4" Cthulhu mythos figures. As a guy who grew up with the '70s and '80s lines they're emulating, I think it's pretty rad.
And third, there's this project for a line of highly articulated 3 3/4" figures that are designed to be customizable. Series 1 is Greek warriors and Gorgons and it's already met the base funding goal, so now it's just a question of how many stretch goals get unlocked.