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Help our studio find a stuffed bunny?

2 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2016-02-10 22:27
Joined: 2016-02-10

Hey guys. I'm a production designer for a little film company and we're looking for a large quantity of these little mass produced yellow bunnies. They're about 3.5-4 inches long and pretty cheaply made. I have an original that's fairly old but I recently found another inside of an Easter party game called "Bunny Toss and Catch". The bunnies are exclusive to the game, however, because the one from that game has different fill than the original, though they look the same.

Basically; I need about 50-60 of these bunnies and, yes, this is incredibly important to my job. I've had very little success in finding them however. Anyone who could give me a lead on where I could find even one of these guys would have my eternal gratitude, and credit in everything I ever work on. <- reference pictures of the bunny I'm looking for

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Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I didn't find any loose yellow bunnies, but did find what might be the ($5) Toss & Catch game you described?

Joined: 2016-02-10

We found that too, but, alas, he doesn't seem to actually have it in stock and our desperate e-mails have gone unnoticed. We appreciate the help though!


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