What in the world happened here that caused everyone to leave?
What in the world happened here that caused everyone to leave?
Facebook and Twitter. Even Reddit to some extent.
Requiring registration seemed to really cull the herd, despite everyone's insistence (beforehand) it would only improve the community.
Registration was never required, as your anonymous post shows. It is still not required.
I recall a time of required registration to post. Am I not remembering correctly?
Social media has made this board the Chernobyl of Action Figure collecting.
You are not remembering correctly. This board has never had required registration.
Social media is definitely a factor as already mentioned, but I think the rise of the Youtube reviewer is just as much to blame. I used to dislike Youtube reviews (and still do in some cases) but have just come to accept that that's where the toy collecting community like to get it's info these days.
Hi guys.
Long time no post.
It has been maybe 5 years! How the time flies. 5 years ago Hasbro made Marvel figures and Mattel DC figures. Umm, just like now!
So far they are, huh?
Yep, I'm buying a lot more for the kids these days, but still collecting way way too much for me.
Hope everyone is well.
Don't know if I mentioned it here before but I went from being R@KBToys to R@the family's to R@Wal-mart, once KB Toys closed and I made the decision that I wanted to stay in retail.
I've been there for 9 years already!!
I have a lot of fond memories of this forum too, especially under the old format. They've become kind of fuzzy over the years I'm afraid. Would enjoy hearing from anyone who posted back around the late 2000s, early 2010s.
Hey, JJ. I'm still alive. Don't collect much anymore, as DCUC scratched my itch just about completely.