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Official Wrestling Figure Thread

13 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2012-01-17 09:24
Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Since we have a Transformer Thread, we might as well have a Wrestling Thread as well!

I have really enjoyed Mattel's efforts thus far but the latest Elite 14 and Basic waves are not looking as good as prior releases. I know they try to catch different likenesses of the same characters constantly, but the E14 Alberto looks hideous.

Personally, I gave up being a completist long ago and cherry pick the charatcers I like.

How do you collect? Who do you collect?


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GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

i have no clue who is in what wave. i'm seeing the flashback kane wave now. is that the del rio you're talking about?

i mostly collect classic/legends. so that means i've only picked up dm hart, fb kane and shango.

i'm quite excited for andre.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Kane and del Rio are in wave 12. A second del Rio with a new headsculpt is in wave 14.

I'm not sure it was wise to release 2 versions of ADR so close together. Around my area the E12 del Rio is beginning to peg warm and now a second is available online and will be at retail soon.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

E14 is now up at Ringside of course, at ridiculous pricing. I really used to prefer buying full cases from them and paying a bit more for each figure to ensure I received them without wasting the time and gas. Now, they have begun to really take advantage, raising the prices much higher than they were.

The E14 ADR looks goofy..I missed seeing it at RSFest, and hope it looks better in person but I highly doubt it.

The Legends Andre is going to be fantastic...I was lucky enough to have taken advantage of the Great Rockers Mattelshop Debacle of 2011 and hope it happens agains with Andre.

Either way, I'd gladly pay full price for him.


Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I've decided to cherry pick. I mostly want Legends anyway, so when that line ended at retail so did my interest of collecting full lines. There aren't any real current characters I want, anyway. So out of Elite 14, I'll be getting Del Rio (maybe, depends on how I'm feeling about it when seeing it in stores), Bossman, and Booker T, and Rocky. MAYBE Undertaker.

As far as Elite 13, I definately want Attitude Era Edge, and possibly King Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes. I may hold off, as I want an updated Cody and Dolph, see as how Dolph doesn't have that short of hair anymore, and is now known as the Hashtag Heel. And Cody isn't "grotesque" anymore. Although I loved the gimmick.

Honestly, I'm all about Matty Legends.

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Scored a lone Vickie Guererro this morning in a sea of Morrisons, Cenas Undertakers, and Reys today! Woop woop!

GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

what's the story with vickie? i've seen 2 of her and dozens of the others. is she 1 per every other case?

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I believe so!

RoddyDrama's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

On other forums I've seen people confirming this. 1 Vicky per every other case.

RoddyDrama's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I was actually done with WWE figures until I bought a Heritage Stone Cold followed by a triple H and that was it... I was collecting WWE figures again. But I am cherry picking as usual. I got most of the modern era guys, I don`t collect multiple outfits, one figure per character is fine for me. I prefer the Basics over the deluxe as I find them more esthetically appealing since they don't have that ugly ab-crunch articulation. I prefer legends (Character wise) but I`m pretty much done with the figures since they are only Matty Collector now and will only really be going after the flashbacks in the future or any basic figure of a old school wrestler they put out.

I was very disappointed by the outfit selection on many, many legends, so much so that I didn`t buy characters that otherwise would have been a must have for me. Those would be LOD, British Bulldog, Jimmy Snuka, and Sgt. Slaughter. Big mistake on Mattel's part there, as LOD and Sgt Slaughter could have easily have had alternate chase paint jobs to satisfy all instead of contributing to killing the line in brick and mortar stores. And also I`m sorry but my British Bulldog had dreadlocks and Superfly jumped off the top rope barefoot.

Other than there mishandling of the Legend line and not enough Basic Legend figures (original misuse of heritage line that they are going to cut now that they are using it accurately) I've been very happy overall with the quality of the WWE figures mattel has but out. More than Jakks or any other line prior to them. Only a couple of nit picks like Hacksaw not being thick enought and Mr Perfect being a little too tall but in all its become my favorite current line.

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I can't imagine we won't see a camo Slaughter and a proper Snuka (especially since they've done Kevin Von Erich) at some point. They would have been perfect for the rumored second wave of All Star 2-packs, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen, now.

BTW, in a rare bit of candor, Mattel admitted the look they chose for Snuka was a mistake.



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Soul Tsukino's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

All I'd like is a classic Black strap winged eagle title belt. Don't care who it comes with but I want the real thing, not that goofy yellow Warrior belt.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Soul Tsukino wrote:
All I'd like is a classic Black strap winged eagle title belt. Don't care who it comes with but I want the real thing, not that goofy yellow Warrior belt.

Doesn't a black strap winged eagle belt come with the new Matty Collector Andre Exclusive?

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Kamala The Ugandan Giant wrote:
Soul Tsukino wrote:
All I'd like is a classic Black strap winged eagle title belt. Don't care who it comes with but I want the real thing, not that goofy yellow Warrior belt.

Doesn't a black strap winged eagle belt come with the new Matty Collector Andre Exclusive?




Follow me on Twitter for fun, hilarity, and societal venom.

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