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So Matty's at it again this time with credit card fraud. UPDATED 3/16

10 replies [Last post]
Mon, 2012-02-13 19:43
Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So i got a double charge on my Feb sub, called Matty and turns out they have no idea why I am getting two seperate Club Eternia subs when I only bought one. They said there isnt anything they can do and to send them back for a refund. Simple right wrong also the NEW sub is set to go to my OLD address and if it gets forwarded to me I will have to pay an additional fee for it!! Seriously I didnt have a problem last month and now out of nowhere Im getting charged for 2 subscriptions. Already reported them to the BBB and will probably go to my bank and have them take the charge off. Seriously this sucks!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

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Joined: 2012-01-04

If you only ordered one subscription, it is illegal for them to send you a second or attempt to charge you for such. From the Postal Service website:

"Receipt of Unsolicited Merchandise

A company sends you a gift in the mail--a ball point pen, a key chain, a tie. But you didn't order it. What do you do? If you are the type of person this company is looking for, you may feel guilty about accepting the item without paying for it. Don't feel guilty! It's yours, and you are under no obligation to pay anything.

You, the consumer, may only legally be sent two types of merchandise through the mail without your consent or agreement:

Free samples which are clearly and conspicuously marked as such.

Merchandise mailed by a charitable organization that is soliciting contributions.

And in these two cases, you can consider the merchandise a gift if you wish. In all other situations, it is illegal to send merchandise to someone, unless that person has previously ordered or requested it.

These rules are codified in Title 39, United States Code, Section 3009. That section of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 incorporates these protections for American consumers and makes the mailing of unordered merchandise unfair methods of competition and unfair trade practices under the law.

If you do not wish to pay for unsolicited merchandise or make a donation to a charity sending such an item, you may do one of three things (in each case, by law, you have no obligation to the sender):

If you have not opened the package, you may mark it "Return to Sender," and the Postal Service will return it with no additional postage charged to you.

If you open the package and don't like what you find, you may throw it away.

If you open the package and like what you find, you may keep it for free. In this instance, "finders-keepers" applies unconditionally.

Furthermore, it is illegal for a company that sends you unordered merchandise to follow the mailing with a bill or dunning communication.

If you are aware of violations of the federal law prohibiting the mailing of unordered merchandise, or if you have personally had difficulty with such items--especially if you are sent statements demanding payment for the merchandise--you should contact you local postmaster or the nearest Postal Inspector."

Mistakes happen, but it is legally up to Matty to correct the matter. You did not order a second sub, and they have no right to send or charge you for one. Knowing they are sending you something you did not order before even mailing it out likely adds another layer to the violations. I seriously doubt the BBB will do anything, but you do apparently have the option of contacting the USPS, especially if they do this again.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Sorry to hear this Ash.

I don't want to jump on the Anti-Matty Bandwagon here, but my experience with them hasn't been so great and frankly, I'm not surprised to hear about your troubles.

Please do share the outcome of the issue as I;m sure others will have the same problems as well.

Hopefully, they can pull it together.


Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanx guys for all of your feelback!! Im going to give them another call tomorrow and use worlds like illeagle and lawsuit just to see what happens. Im pretty sure the BBB wont do anything but I was just in a state of shock that I had to! What sucks even more is Digital River didnt even know if this issue will happen next month which to me is bs because if you know theres an issue TAKE CARE OF IT!!! Ill keep you guys posted on the outcome!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Heres a small update, nothing has happened but I just got a response from one of my emails todsy asking if the following info was correct with some random name and address. So I now know where the second sub charge came from, im being charged for someone elses subscription! Im thinking legal matters might be in the near future.


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

i figured out what happened!! Eariler this week on Mattys page, sub orders were being placed in everyones cart. So everyones instinct was to finalize their order but I guess by doing so it double ordered for some reason. Matty is NOW aware of this and has issued a statement to delete them before making a purchase on anything else...would have been nice to let us know eariler!! Though I did call them back today and the lady told me they have my problem logged and I will NOT be charged for the double order...we shall see, knowing my luck my oder got canceled all together!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Well today I got an email saying they are looking into the issue and finding a way to resolve the problem so at least something is being done, just wish they could have told me this when I first emailed them! Got an email saying the 30th sub shipped but not the regular but hopefully this will all be taken care of soon!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Joined: 2012-01-04

Ash 618 wrote:
Heres a small update, nothing has happened but I just got a response from one of my emails todsy asking if the following info was correct with some random name and address. So I now know where the second sub charge came from, im being charged for someone elses subscription! Im thinking legal matters might be in the near future.

This sounds an awful lot like what happened to me when Matty plopped near 700 bucks on my credit card for someone else's orders. I'm still getting random e-mail addresses that aren't mine on correspondence from them. One thing I strongly recommend: change your password in case they've got your account mixed in with someone else's as they apparently did with mine (and change it on any other site that might share the same log-in; long, bizarre story there). Keep a close eye on both your card and your order history, too. Trust me, these people are idiots in the extreme, so don't take your eyes off them.

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Ok here is the FINAL update

I got an email saying that my false order has been refunded and that it was their mistake and how I should not have been able to buy more sub figures (duh) but they ended up shipping it to my old address anyways so I will probably get it next week and refuse it. I did get my correct order today unexpectedly (note Mattys my oders page showed no oders on file so I couldnt track it)

I got a different email saying that I need to ship it back for the refund. I was also told that this will not affect my subscription in anyway and that its set to renew in March (forgot the exact date) so it looks like this mess is finally over!! Thanx for baring with me on this I know there will be more issues in the future with Matty but hopefully it wont be fore a few months now!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Ash 618's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So yesterdays sale has come and gone and NO shipping notice email. I got a sub renewal email last week and called them yesterday asking whats up. Get this they canceled BOTH subscriptions the error one AND the regular one AFTER they sent an email saying everything was taking care of and that no further problems will happen with the March sub. FREAKING IDIOTS!!!! I knew they would cancel both because DR is just that stupid. Now they placed me on a sub reactivation and asked for all my credit card info (which I refused to give them and made them give it to me) and will send me an email in the next 4 to 5 days. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!


" F***Ing Ebay!!"

Emerje's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I just got off the phone with them because I had to update my credit card info for my Voltron Subscription thanks to having to cancel my card due to the whole Transformers Club thing. I can see why people have such a hard time with them, they're customer service reps are dyslexic! First she couldn't get me email address right, I always spell it out, but she kept trying to start "emerje@" with an "m". I would say e-m, e-r, j-e, and she would read it back m-e. Had to go through that twice before she got it right. When it came to the credit card number she seemed to write it down right, but reading it back she had had to start over twice because a string of four zeros kept messing her up. She then read back the expiration date I gave her correctly, but at the end of the process she read back everything a final time and somehow 2014 became 2015. Where do they find these people, I've never had a rep make so many mistakes and I'm supposed to trust them with my money?


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