Since Mattel was too cheap/lazy to give their Voltron figures a removable pistol, anyone know of a pistol in the 3.75 inch scale that looks similar to this?
Color doesn't matter, I can paint it accordingly.
Since Mattel was too cheap/lazy to give their Voltron figures a removable pistol, anyone know of a pistol in the 3.75 inch scale that looks similar to this?
Color doesn't matter, I can paint it accordingly.
Since Mattel was too cheap/lazy to give their Voltron figures a removable pistol, anyone know of a pistol in the 3.75 inch scale that looks similar to this?
Color doesn't matter, I can paint it accordingly.
These may require a minor amount of modification, but they're pretty close. I only know Joe stuff, sorry.
This link is for YoJoe's WHOBIT system for ID'ing weapons. I selected gray, small guns. You could look in any color and find other ideas of course. It's a great database for finding the weapon you want.
This company makes 3.75 inch weapons for 3.75 figures. I've ordered from them many times. You may be able to even ask for a certain gun to be moldeed in grey.*Weapons-+Pistols...
They have a gun called the Striker towards the bottom and they also offer the Robo cop gun which would be a cool kind of updated version.
Good luck
Also, try the red pistol as seen here:
Although I have to say that Marauder's stuff is truly TOP NOTCH!
The pistol that comes with red cobra diver from the gi joe 25th line is what I'm using, only lame thing is its black
I think I've seen something close come with some of the Star wars Clone figures released from the Attack of the Clones line. You would have to trim the barrel a bit, but it could pass.
Minimates come with a few options. Here's one example: