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Vintage Style Peanuts figurines by Hallmark

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2 replies [Last post]
Mon, 2012-03-12 08:17
Joined: 2012-01-04

For anyone who has been busy collecting these figurines the past two years, it appears another wave is about to release. I've not yet seen them in any official Peanuts Collector Club news, but came across two this week dated for 2012 on the homepage of the gift shop from the Redwood Empire Ice Arena (Snoopy's Home Ice) in Santa Rosa, CA:

The two I'm seeing are entitled "Let the Applause Begin" and "Take Time to Dream". Typically they've been released in batches of about 6, so stay tuned...

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I found time to sneak out and pick up these two latest released yesterdas. In true Hallmark fashion, they are not cheap (one is $24.99; the other $29.99),but I have to say...this whole line of Peanuts figurines is by far my favorite one that Hallmark has done--just love that classic/vintage look!

Also, I was able to confirm that these two are the only new releases...for the moment. It appears there will continue to be more on down the line. Wink

Joined: 2012-01-04

That reply was me, by the way. Something odd was going on here. I logged in as myself, but it didn't reflect my name and prompted me for a username. So I entered "Mom Racer" and it told me that was the name of a registered user. Well...aren't I that registered user? I dunno... Technology is surely not my thing, so whatever...

Seems to be working now. Tongue


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