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Marvel Legends big return to retail...where?

13 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-03-21 13:21
Joined: 2012-01-04

So is it the retailers or Hasbro that believes that restocking with one case once a month is meeting demand? On the lookout for ML2 while I keep reading reports of stores getting cases, but nothing yet in Central FL. I found 1 Bucky Cap amongst 6 Walmarts, none of these stores have them on order or in transit. Targets have yet to restock their Legends since the end of January and every scalper in Orlando is parked in front of TRU on a daily basis waiting for what the employees don't take. I just don't understand what is going on here...does Hasbro and retailers want to make money? The demand is there morons, who want to capitalize on it?

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Joined: 2012-01-03

So far the MLs have been fairly easy to find up here in CT but they move quickly. The two TRU I frequent seemed to restock ML 1 every week for over a month. I haven't seem ML 2 at TRU yet but two Targets that sold out of ML 1 received a case of ML 2 and I know others received something in the last day or two. I was even surprised to find some ML2 at a Walmart. Although I have to admit, I find the 1 case per shippment slightly annoying.

Joined: 2012-02-06

Mr. Hoss, where in CT are you finding the ML's I've been looking for the past two weeks for ML 2. All I've found is two Cap bucky's and 1 Drax at my nearby TRU. Since then I've been calling Target, TRU and checking the local Walmart and have found nothing.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Nom wrote:
Mr. Hoss, where in CT are you finding the ML's ...

Yesterday I went out early looking for Masque, black Spidey, and masked Wolverine.

Waterbury Target had a full case. That's where I picked up Masque. The other variants were Thunderball, white Spidey, and maskless Wolverine.

Southington Target had the same case. Only Cap and Fantomex were gone. Target's store finder now has Southington listed as out of stock.

Southington Walmart had Thunderball, Fantomex, and one other figure (can't recall which one).

I've been checking the in store status on Target's website. When I saw Southington and Waterbury go from "out of stock" to "in stock", I figured now would be a good time for ML hunting. If you're in the area, New Britain Target might be a good bet.

Joined: 2012-02-06

I checked the Target website too. According to the site the Target in my area, North Haven has them in stock. I've been going there for days and nothing I ask them to check the DCU number and nothing ever comes up. So for me the web site is not accurate. I even called the New Britain TRU and was told they had some in the aisle and some in the back. Get there, there aisle is empty. An employee went in the back to find what they had, and returned with a Thor, Constrictor and Klaw. I asked about the box I was told about and he said all he found were the three he brought out. I guess I need to try your area.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Nom, I just checked Target's site. North Haven's status is "out of stock". Are you using #087-06-2403? This won't tell you the series but if the store gets a new case, it's a good chance it will be ML 2.
I try to get to the NB TRU at least once a week but lately I haven't found anything there. The Target closest to me is the Torrington store but they didn't sell out of series 1 and did not receive anything new.

Joined: 2012-02-06

I saw the "out of stock" status too. Which is funny because just yesterday it was listed as being "in stock". Went there and nothing. So much for Target's accuracy.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Wow...Bad Apple...I mean Scalper Mike is back! So that's why FL Mall TRU never has any new products, let alone Marvel Legends. So it costs an extra 5 to 30 dollars to drive across the street, clear off the pegs, and then drive back and mark them up in Scalperville huh? Wow what a d!ck.

The Lemming (not verified)

Stores have changed the way the look at and handle stocking toys. Plain and simple. Due to the economy Walmart stocks, and carries, very little in terms of boys action figures. They back-room very little too anymore. Waiting on sales to order anymore. Target has longed used this model for ordering and stocking toys, but they too re-stock less these days. And I'm sure their initial orders for stock are way less too.

So, Mattel and HASBRO are probably producing less as well.

Get used to it though, these are the conditions we have to deal with now, and I don't see it ever going back to the way it was. With the price of action figures so high, and the competition for shelf space in the store aisles, it seems toys are out of favor for the most part with parents and stores themselves. Online is the way to go, and even then inventory is lower than years past.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Regarding Walmart, didn't some outside consultant convince them that the toy and craft departments were unruly eyesores that should be scaled back or eliminated?

Anonymous (not verified)

Kind of d!ck yourself Warhead. I have absolutely no love for Scalper Mike's Comics but I also know, as you do, that he and Bad Apple were two different entities. You still love to drag Bad Apple through the mud after they're long gone. Hate on Mike, he deserves it more than anybody in town. But you reap your own toy karma with your comments.

Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

MrHoss wrote:
Regarding Walmart, didn't some outside consultant convince them that the toy and craft departments were unruly eyesores that should be scaled back or eliminated?

Thats possible. All the local walmarts here removed cloth and craft supplies... and then after a few years of getting numerous customer complaints, have restored both departments here in all the local stores.

I don't see the toy aisle any more unruly or ugly looking though than seasonal aisles.


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Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

wow "anonymous". Everything about your statement makes no sense. Just shows that the Bad Apple doesn't fall far from the tree down there at Ace Comics. Can't wait to see you forced into oblivion just like every other time you've tried and failed with your scalper haven and paying off employees at Florida Mall TRU/Target. Also, you seem to think that everyone has sudden amnesia and doesn't remember that YOU are/were/always will be the primary scalper behind Bad Apple and Ace.



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