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My latest Universal Monster "toy"

7 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-03-23 14:06
Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

Articulation? Bupkis.

But he's probably 95% full scale, and at only $89 shipped, I couldn't pass on him. I'll repaint the eyes more acurately, and might add a pond pump an dhose so he ends up becoming a large pond spitter.

(Or if the wife complains about that idea, he'll end up being mounted on a wall, or near a window so it looks like hes crawling in.)

He's a little over 3 feet wide, I think.

They are also making the Wolfman, Drac, and Frank.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!

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Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

Hmmmm... apparantly the forum "auto scale" isn't working for pics properly yet?

Linky for full sized image:


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!

longbowhunter's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

WOW!!! If you dont mind,where did you find him for $89 shipped? I looked high and low for Gillhead back around Halloween and he was sold out everywhere....I'd love to get him in time for next year!


Hiyo Gosh Darn Silver!!!

Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

It wasn't that he was sold out.. brick n mortar stores didn't show enough ordering interest for mass production. The grave walkers showed up at a trade show a month or so ago, and it looked liek they were soliciting orders for them again this year.

Someone a week or two ago happened to see them in stock somewhere, and actually managed to snag one. Halloween Express got them in a week ago, but sold out in 2 days.

Word on the street is Morris Costumes JUST got a few in stock... they have a online webstore as well, I think around the same cost plus shipping. (Morris had actually told me last monday that they wouldn't have any for a few months.)

Halloween Express did still have wolfman, drac and frank in stock, but I noticed all the prices jumped from $89 to $95, probably because of demand. (One vendor a month ago was selling the few they had for $180 plus shipping!

Even at that price though, considering the size, paint and sculpt quality, they are probably a good deal.

If Sideshow was doing them, odds are they wouldn't be much different, but would be in an expensive box, and cost $300-$400.

I'm actually considering buying a complete set of them now that I know what they are made from, and how the paint ops look in person.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!

BANE's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Would love a few for Monster Cafe Saltillo!!!

Joined: 2012-01-04

I need one of these for my pond for sure. Any idea what the item is specifically called or who makes it?

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I would love to have that Creature. Is Drac Bela or something else?



Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

Its called the Creature Grave Walker by Rubies. Some dealers are getting limited quantities in before the upcoming Halloween season.

The Drac is kind of the generic modern Universal Monster one that Universal has been doing the last few years. Normally I wouldn't be interested in something like that, BUT he looks MUCH better than the ad images, and let's face it, Drac is perfect for something crawling out of the ground!

I'll be modding my creech somewhat, and found he has glued in but removable eyes.. and they actually used doll like eyes on him. They are the wrong color, but its nice to see they went that route instead of a cheap painted route instead.

Here is someone's wolfman mounted on a wall:

And outside:

And the Drac:

I'm thinking the Drac with some additional paint details would look great.. they probably did less because they added the medal, but I can always add some shading.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!


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