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Marvel Universe/ 3 3/4" gushing continued... Hawkeye!

7 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2012-03-27 08:37
Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Yes, he has limited articulation...yes, he is actually a sub-release from the Avengers line..but this is one kick ass figure!

The sculpt itself is fantastic and pretty accurate to the Ultimate version minus a few details, but nothing that one couldn't customize themselves.

The holsters, the weapons, even the colors..all awesome. Even the backpack which is permanently affixed, looks great without the missiles inserted. In fact, I think you could actually take a bow and arrow accessory from another figure and use them here nicely.

He is just bad ass, especially next to the Sub-Released Ulti-Cap and Thor figures.

The Marvel 3 3/4" line is winning me over big time and making a liar out of me, as I said I would never buy into the line.


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Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm actually passing on this one. When they first announced an Ultimates Hawkeye, I was hoping for either a Ultimates 1 or 2 look. I'm not a fan of Joe Madureira's work, and thought the Hawkeye costume redesign was too derivative of Grifter, Green Goblin from Spider-Man 3, and any number of the Image books from the '90s.

That said, I can see why they didn't make the Ultimates 1 version (looked too much like the movie version), or the Ultimates 2 version (Matrix look is kinda meh toywise, I guess you could customize Paris Pursuit Snake Eyes).

It's cool that you enjoy him, and are assembling the Ultimates. Have you also gotten the Ultimates Iron Man, and the Sam Jackson Nick Fury (technically could be Ultimates Nick)? Also be on the look out for the next Avengers wave, there's supposed to be another version of Ultimates Cap in it (he's wearing a Flak vest or something).

Mr. Tibbs


Mr. Tibbs

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Cool, thanks for the tip Mr. T!

Yes, this Hawkeye is very Grifter-ish with the style from that era.


Leonardo T Dragon's picture
Joined: 2012-02-07

I'm all over the movie Hawkeye when he drops later this summer. Seriously-- there's your Ultimates 1 & 2 version of Barton right there.

I had read about the reduced articulation on the Avengers figures and, while I have to say that I miss the waist joint, it's really not all that bad. Both the new WW2 version and movie versions of Cap are VERY solid figures. Plus, I never saw the helmeted version of Loki from the THOR line but the Avengers version is really pretty nice.

Now if only I could have found the 4" Sif...

Glad to see that you're enjoying these Brian! While MU isn't perfect it's still a great way to snag a LOT of characters and not have them take up your entire house. I'd also recommend the Daredevil/Bullseye and Power Man/Iron Fist comic packs if you don't already have them!

-Paul's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I picked it up when I spotted it at WM. Have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised Hasbro isn't limiting the "Avengers" line to re-used sculpts of the movie's actor's heads on various re-paints of the basic body. I certainly wasn't expecting this figure, but as a big fan of Hawkeye, I was very happy to see it.

Joined: 2012-01-03

The only articulation point I really miss on these figures is the lack of wrist joints. The waist or ankle joints aren't really that necessary, but wrist joints are pretty standard now for holding weapons.

Now, can someone point me to which figure is the Ultimates Cap? I'd like to add him to Thor, IM, & Hawkeye.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

It's from the Cap Movie / Comic Series from last year..he's called Ultimate Cap I believe.

Not recommending the site, just giving you a link to the pic of him.


Joined: 2012-01-03

Brian wrote:
It's from the Cap Movie / Comic Series from last year..he's called Ultimate Cap I believe.

Not recommending the site, just giving you a link to the pic of him.

Thanks for the link! Unfortunately I can't get past their obnoxious pop up on my iPad. I'll have to get on my computer & try.


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