The Comic World is filled with heroes and anti-heroes that have killed or continually kill in the course of their superhero careers.
Most of my favorite characters have killed...intentionally. Captain America /Steve Rogers has beheaded people with his shield, thrown people from trains and snapped necks, but seems to always prefer to do it "by the book" when logically possible. Flash snapped Zoom's neck to save innocent civilians...his wife included.
Then there are those such as The Punisher, AzBats, Bucky Cap/Winter Solider, Deadpool and Wolverine who make no bones about doing what needs to be done for the mission and/ or greater good.
While comics are a way to escape reality for many of us, there are some comparisons to real life beliefs, morals & virtues. The idea and consequences of taking a life in any situation is something many see differently, for different reasons.
Batman would rather die than take a life, The Joker included, while at the same time, The Punisher would rather die than miss taking the life during the process of hunting a villain the likes of Jigsaw etc.
Tough decisions during life & death situations are made every day by Law Enforcement and Armed Forces. This is an area that has to be addressed in comics, especially given the dire nature and despicable villains portrayed in the stories,
I enjoy this dose of reality and view The Punisher and Bucky as heroes for different reasons. In fact, one of my major issues with comic Batman is his conflict in having to take the final step with The Joker.
Thoughts? Opinions?