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I totally blame NoisyDvL5 for this!! (new custom)

4 replies [Last post]
Thu, 2012-03-29 16:58
TPTBeyond's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I was reading through his awesome Terrax review and I was thinking how easily he could be made out of a JLU Darkseid. Then I saw the picture with Darkseid actually in it and it sealed the deal. 2 days later, here we are:


The colors turned out a little brighter because I just took this quickly with my iPhone rather than actually setting up a nice photo shoot. He's made entirely from a JLU Darkseid with vinyl and sculpting, and his axe is cobbled together from the parts bin, with a paintbrush handle being the main body, a missle tip at the end and Mad Hatter's microphone at the top, and a plastic bubble blade. I really like how he came together!

Thanks a lot Noisy! Any other cool figures you think I should make in Animated style?



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NoisyDvL5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03


He looks pretty awesome. How could would it be to have a companion Marvel line with Timm designs?! Party

You've got me thinking other heralds - Nova would be cool, but who'd want to tear up a Volcana? How about Gabriel - the Air-Walker?? Wink

-Paul's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

BEAUTY! Great job!

Joined: 2012-03-01

Nice job!

TPTBeyond's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanks guys! Had some extra time on Spring Break so it worked out nice!



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