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New Captain Action question?

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3 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-04-11 13:24
Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Has anyone bought any of these base figures & costume sets yet? The costumes look (very) well made, but...

The character masks make the proportions of these unfortunate figures truly comical, IMO. HUGE noggins. Some have suggested that some third party can make a fortune designing (smaller) masked heads to swap out with the factory Captain Action heads & masks. But I'm not holding my breath!

These new base Cap Action figures are a bit undersized anyway. Perhaps I could find a larger, beefier 12" body that would look more in proportion to the Cap Action Head and, for instance, the Captain America mask? I have a spare, Deluxe Max Steele body laying around...remember him? The deluxe figures were pretty well articulated and buff.


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Anonymous (not verified)

I have seen/read the comments and complaints... I so far have only purchased the Cap Action doll and the Basic Spiderman and I am very pleased with the look. Size of SPIDEY mask is great, costume it nice, etc. I think the problem may lay more in the "Peter" and "Steve" unmasked heads in the delux packs? Not sure... But again - Spider is GREAT!

Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanks for the comment. How did those "web wings" work out for you? Any problems with the velcro fasteners snagging the lycra costume?

The unmasked heads are certainly...unusual. You know, the vintage Cap Action heads/masks were slightly oversized (even the Playing Mantis ones), but the new bobble-head proportions are disappointing to me.

I reread Michael Crawford's reviews, and I suspect my plans to substitute a bigger body to make the Cap America head look smaller is probably doomed to failure. (The costume may be too small for a larger base figure.) Besides...what's wrong with the wings on Cap's head? Why are they pointing upwards?

I hope Round 2 improves the upcoming figures. The pictures of the Thor pre-order at BBTS look promising...although Thor's cape seems a bit puny.

I'm still on the fence about these. Swappable masked HEADS would have been a better strategy, IMO.

Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm thinking trying to use another 12" body is going to present problems beyond the height; I got CA last night and his torso is quite short (to the point of looking pretty bad). I'm someone who had CA back in the 60's, so I'm pretty much the kind of customer they are looking for, but I have to say the original body had much better proportions, even with the arms being a bit long. Crawford's review convinced me to pass on the costume sets, especially since I apparently can't just stick them on a cheaper 12" figure like in the old days...


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