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I'm going to be powerless against LEGO's Monster Fighters

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Thu, 2012-04-26 14:41
JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I bloody love it when LEGO does stuff like this...



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Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

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Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Oh my god, that was amazing. Are there toys for this coming out?!

JJJason's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Yep, an entire line. It's one of LEGO's summer themes this year.



Follow me on Twitter for fun, hilarity, and societal venom.

Noir, Westerns, Bit of Me...

Joined: 2012-01-04

right now it's a battle between Lord of the Rings Legos and Monster Fighters, can't do both. I need to figure out which one will be discontiued first and don't forget Lego Minifigures Series 8 due in September. Definately the Year of the Lego.

Joined: 2012-01-04

As an old Universal Monsters fan, this is going to be hard to pass on (even if it's not officially UM, it's close enough). Worse, some of the stuff may go well with the official UM Minimates, making it even harder to say no.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Okay, the first few sets are out at TRU, and six of the sets are up on their website. I've already got Dracula standing up in the coffin of the hearse and Renfeild driving (take off the bottom of the minmates and they fit in the car seats). The Mummy carriage will be perfect for old bad and bandaged when that minimate set comes out (it's actually a little big for the Lego figures) just flipping one small piece around. And the tree flips the Wolfman just as well as the Lego werewolf, again by simply turning one small piece around.

I ordered the other three sets (the castle, the train, and the swamp creature) they had up. The mad scientist lab wasn't listed last I looked. These sets go really well with the UM minimates, and I'm definitely planning on getting them all.


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