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Spiderman movie figures are out at Walmart

7 replies [Last post]
Thu, 2012-05-24 16:46
Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So the Avenger figures were moved to a different section to the toy isle to make way for the Spiderman movie figures. It appeared that the limited amount of Spiderman was just an intial case just for spacing purposes. There was no Lizard figure on the shelf, or perhaps someone just bought all the Lizard figures.

The figures are 3 3/4 inches. I was hoping to find the Ultimate Spiderman figure in this scale but no luck. I am not exactly sure if this figure will be in the Marvel Universe or in a Spiderman series.

Anyway, the peg warmer Spiderman figures are out.


The Spiderman figures will join the Iron Man 2 figures and Green Lantern figures in the clearance isles

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Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm pretty sure that the Ultimate Spidey was set for the Marvel Universe set unless something has changed. we got these last week and they were mainly comics figures on the shelves when I saw them. I think there was a wrestling costume figure and the rest were non movie. Definitely no Lizard.



Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

God these look mates are better looking and more articulated. The batman figs are no better.


Nebraska's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I saw the movie wave @ Walmart & the Comic wave @ Target within the past few days. They are, indeed, horrible. T-crotches for everybody!

Joined: 2012-01-04

All I've seen is the comics wave; who's in the movie wave?

Joined: 2012-02-11

scott metzger wrote:
All I've seen is the comics wave; who's in the movie wave?

Super-poseable movie Spider-Man, the Lizard, and two movie Spidey redecos with gimmick accessories .

Red5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

hat trick wrote:
scott metzger wrote:
All I've seen is the comics wave; who's in the movie wave?

Super-poseable movie Spider-Man, the Lizard, and two movie Spidey redecos with gimmick accessories .

I would get the Lizard and SP Spidey at the 7.50 WM price.



Jin Saotome's picture
Joined: 2012-05-28

I got Venom but...ah...I feel it'll be a waste of time to review him.


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