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Article on Rare Star Wars action figures

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2 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-08-08 20:35
BlackSpider's picture
Joined: 2012-07-06

I did a small squidoo lense on some rare star wars action figures that i knew of. I mentioned 4 figures that includes vinyl cape jawa, blue snaggletooth, Darth Vader with Telescoping Lightsaber, and Rocket Firing BobaFett. Just wanted to share with you guys and hear your opinion on this. If you think there are other rare figures like these as well then let me know please.



One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall. - Optimus Prime

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speedbuggy (not verified)

Thanks it was great. There was a TV show that had the shooting Boba Fet that wanted 15,000 for it. I thought that was high. It was interesting the rarest wasn't the most expensive.

BlackSpider's picture
Joined: 2012-07-06

Thank you speedbuggy for your appreciation. Ill be doing more articles on star wars and other action figure brands soon. Btw, thanks for telling that rocket firing boba really exist cause there were some people over internet who were telling that it does not.


One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall. - Optimus Prime


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