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Marvel Legends Series 3 - BBTS Preorders Available!

11 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-08-24 11:55
Joined: 2012-01-03

Well, this was unexpectedly early(listed as September) - and unfortunate as I wasn't expecting a $125+shipping purchase the day after I shipped my Pile-o-Loot since a ton of Diamond stuff (mostly minimates) came in stock this week. Does anyone even know what the BAF is? They don't even have it listed on their site yet. It'll be a while before I ship mine.

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Jeff Bohn's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

No BAF, generic display stands.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Ugh. Thanks for the info BKP..I caved and ordered. I'll have Iron Mans, Moonstar/Mystiques and Blades for sale when my cases come.

Doom, Deadpool, Agent and of those Iron Man's are a must for me.


Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Bronze/Lead age versions of Marvel characters? No sale for me, but YMMV.

I'd be more inclined to cop that latest Marvel Universe 3-pack...

slappy's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Ugh. Being a long-time New Mutants fan, all I want from this wave is Danielle Moonstar, and she's one to a case. And it's a crapshoot whether I'd get her or Mystique if I bought a set...

Like I said... ugh.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Most of the stores around here just restocked with Wave 1, so I wonder how long it'll be until these hit the shelves. Hopefully, they show up on Amazon and you can pick the ones you want. I'm only interested in Deadpool, Mystigue and Danielle. The others I could care less.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm disappointed, I still haven't received any notification from BBTS. I'm sure I preordered my case within a few hours of it being listed.

Joined: 2012-01-04

Come on now...
After weeks of bugging BBTS for info on the SDCC Minimates Exclusives, those come in with over priced MU 19, and now ML3...that's close too $300 in one week...unbelievable.

Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Got my shipping confirmation for Marvel Legends Series 3. Praying for a Dani Moonstar case!

Reviews late next week on ToyReviewDaily. I'm pretty psyched.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

Slappy & Max: stay in touch with me as I have no need for either Moonstar or Mystique and I am getting 2 cases.

If my ridiculous purchase can save someone else grief and pain, than so be it.


Joined: 2012-05-15

I'm also surprised these are coming out so fast. I thought for sure Hasbro was putting all their resources into producing more Avengers merchandise in time for Christmas and that's why every other line was stalled *coughSWCough*.

Did they re-run the first series? I saw two Hopes the last two days at different TRUs and seeing one was shocking enough! But didn't buy at $19.99. No way. The ONLY ML I would pay that much for is the upcoming Jean Grey, and that's only for the pleasure of actually buying that figure in a store.

Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I am super happy that Iron Man is listed so cheap, since he is the main figure I want (despite his strangely huge feet). Hopefully I can find a Moonstar on pegs because I am not paying $24 + shipping, especially for a "maybe you get her" deal.


- CP


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