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PAK Devil May Cry 3 Dante & Vergil: What's the Hold-Up?

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2 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-10-24 08:35
Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

So I'm seeing that these are already out in Japan and are listed as "in stock" on certain sites, but BBTS still has them listed with a January release date. Any idea what the hold up is? Has BBTS just not updated their projected release, or are us statesiders just stuck waiting for Diamond Distributors or whoever to actually import them? If you can't tell, I really want these! And if we're stuck waiting, can anyone recommend a good import site to get them from that is comparable to BBTS in terms of customer service? Any answers or ideas are, as always, appreciated.

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Anonymous-fujishig (not verified)

Yeah, usually this kind of stuff is solicited through Diamond and that's how BBTS gets them in, so there is a bit of a wait. You can usually tell because the Diamond distributed stuff is usually much cheaper than the stuff they directly import.

You can try amiami or hlj, but be warned: while both offer significant discounts to the Yen price, the exchange rate is not favorable, and shipping is a killer.

amiami has both in stock for 4900 yen (61 bucks) before shipping.

HLJ only has Dante for 5500 yen ($69) before shipping. Vergil is sold out.

Both are reputable. But factor in shipping and you'll pay far more than the 70 bucks that you have it reserved on BBTS.

Swift's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Thanks, I was afraid of that. I suppose I should just wait it out then... Puzzled


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