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Stinkhead goes to Miss America... got lots of pics

2 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2013-01-15 08:57
Joined: 2012-02-15

Hey folks,
I haven't been around a lot lately. I've been lurking a bit, but I haven't done any reviews or gotten any cool scores lately. (I've been pushing to more of a lifestyle/events blog, so I can cover concerts)

So last weekend I flew to Vegas to shoot the Miss America pageant. I got press passes (not via MPb, but through the concert outlet) and it was amazing. Hooooo boy, are those some pretty ladies.

Out of respect for the girls' futures, I am NOT posting my coverage on MPb, because heaven forbid someone googled their name and saw they were on some "playboy" site. I know how people can get.

So anyway, I come to you, my good friends, and share this collection of photos from my trip. I even got to meet McKayla Maroney and get a mustache pic of her.

All of my Miss America pics

If you're into photography, I've been blogging a lot on, I post all of the exif data for each shot so you can see how I got what I got, and learn from my experiences and mistakes hopefully.
That's mostly concert photography stuff.

Aaaand I'm sitting out Toy Fair this year. I've been every year since 2000, but it's tough on the family and wallet to take two 4-day trips back to back. I had to make a choice, and well, Miss America won out this time.

I'll be around.



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simian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

What's with the mustache?


simian, the Mighty Poo Flinger!

Joined: 2012-02-15

I wanted to do something funny and unique to separate myself from all the other photographers (especially if one of them had won). I thought of a lot of jokes they could do, but the mustache was the most clear (nearly everything else I came up with needed some explanation, or "trust me, it's funny" OR could be mistaken for some type of double entendre, this was plain and simple)

The McKayla photo is one of my favorites.




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