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Jin Saotome's Secret Collection up on eBay for pennies!

3 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2013-06-25 07:39
Jin Saotome's picture
Joined: 2012-05-28

Well folks when your collection begins to overshadow your craft it's time to whip out the scythe and start culling. In this case it's EVERYTHING. If it was a figure line made in the last 10 years it's probably here. Loose and packaged Marvel Legends, SOTA Street Fighter, Figma Samus/Link/Megaman, Transformers, Halo, comic/movie statues and busts, kotobukiya Robocop, NECA, mezco figures, I mean everything. All if it adult owned and displayed under glass. Everything starts at a penny and shipping is cheap, also combining shipping for free as much as I can. A lot of the figures have been modded or customized like I'm known for to look better. Akuma has a ceramic beaded necklace, the Annihilus BAF has new colors, two heads with a closed mouth for one, etc. I'm still customizing but this massive figure collection takes up too much room and has to go. Your job? Buy it and enjoy it just like I did!

Jin Saotome's Secret Collection on eBay!

Have fun and good luck bidding!

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Emerje's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Wow, the people bidding up figma Samus obviously don't know she's being reissued.


__________________ - Most of my Japanese figures

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Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

While I was reading your "everything must go" blurb, I started thinking how any similar endeavor on my part would share certain characteristics with your own boilerplate:

For Sale.

Literally hundreds & hundreds of opened 4"–24" super hero action figures produced since the '80s. (Only REAL super heroes, so no Starwars, Turtles, Rasslers, or He-Man...sorry.) Smile

I have utterly no idea what sort of "Arc Reactor Skateboard" Batman any particular figure was, much less is anymore, as I've mixed and matched accessories and customized/kitbashed here & there...probably to the detriment of any overall value...but they appeal to my own limited tastes. YMMV.

Good luck, Jin!


Jin Saotome's picture
Joined: 2012-05-28

Thanks, I hope everyone finds something they need out of all this stuff.


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