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Hasbro SDCC exclusives are available now

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6 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2013-07-24 12:33
Joined: 2012-01-03

Big smile I just got the Thunderbolts pack and Boba Fett at

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Jeff Bohn's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

Boba Fett - sold out
Magic card set - sold out

Metroplex - sold out
Jem - sold out

Deadpool Corps - sold out

Jeff Bohn's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

No G.I. Joe set listed, this may have something to do with it...

Also the G.I. Joe club is getting an allocation of the Joe/TF set as well, so that may be a reason also.

Bobbi's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

Thank you for posting this!

I wasn't fast enough for Deadpool or the Boba Fett, but I was able to snag us the Thunderbolts and the Angry Birds SW set.

Joined: 2012-01-03

I couldn't be online when they went up. I lost out 2 of the last 3 years. A couple years ago I missed Skystriker/Starscream, this year it was Boba. I paid way too much on ebay for SS/SS, this year, at least I can wait it out for a regular release Boba.
On the plus side my MP Soundwave arrived from and the package didn't look like it was handled by gorillas.

Anonymous (not verified)

Anyone want to sell any of their individual Thunderbolts (particularly Ghost, Crossbones, Moonstone, or boobgirl.)

That's a long shot, i'm sure...but maybe someone bought it just for Luke Cage?

Joined: 2012-01-04

Well that sucks. After watching HTS for 3 days straight, I figured next Monday would be the day but I guess I was wrong. I truely hate this BS every year. Good thing I didn't want the Thunderbolts Set, at least I have another chance at Fett at retail.


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