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Are you a TRU Shopper...beware the weekly price bump has begun....

2 replies [Last post]
Tue, 2013-11-19 11:27

I hit my local TRU at lunch to check out what was new and noticed that the Call of Duty Mega Bloks Sets that were bumped up 10% last week, were bumped up another 10% this week. So while TRU keeps posting coupons for 15% or 20% off, it fails to even out the price bumps as they will continue through the holidays. Got something stashed or have been waiting to pick up something? Do it now or pay more later.

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GlobalDominationMachine's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Anonymous wrote:
I hit my local TRU at lunch to check out what was new and noticed that the Call of Duty Mega Bloks Sets that were bumped up 10% last week, were bumped up another 10% this week. So while TRU keeps posting coupons for 15% or 20% off, it fails to even out the price bumps as they will continue through the holidays. Got something stashed or have been waiting to pick up something? Do it now or pay more later.

people need to just stop going to tru. EVERYTHING is priced higher than anywhere else. who wants to pay $20 for ml cap that's been on the pegs for 18 months when they could stop by target and pay $15. add to that that they don't know wtf the point of restocking is and it's pretty clear that they're trying their pants off to be irrelevant.

Rob's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

You really just need to be smart about what you buy at TRU. Most of the prices are higher, but they do have sales and coupons that if used well can make them the cheapest in town.

Also, Target and especially Wal-Mart are not very good for action figures any more. Wal-Mart has been incredibly bad for some time (they don't even carry many Marvel figures). Target has been better, but toy shopping at stores just ain't what it once was.

TRU also has the added advantage in that they carry a fair amount of stuff that others don't. Specifically, Minimates and many NECA figures (Portal 2, Gremlins, etc).

As long as you are careful to buy things with the same price (or use coupons) it can still work out.



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