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Fell off the Wagon ... Hard

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Wed, 2014-06-18 09:02
simian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Employment was a challenge for me for a few years there, so I'd been mostly out of the whole action figure thing. Now that I'm gainfully employed again (knock on wood) I decided to take a look at what's out there.

I think I used to lament how my tastes had gotten more expensive over time. I'd shifted collecting from things you could find on pegs (which isn't cheap either these days!) to stuff that needed to be imported (I miss Gundam.) From there I'd moved onto mostly 1/6 scale (or at least 12" size) things because of the detailing, accessories, and pose-ability they had over 6" figures. So now I've managed to spend a little over $1,000 on a whopping FOUR figures this year.

1. ThreeZero - Titanfall Atlas w/ Pilot
2. ThreeZero - Full Metal Ghost w/ Pilot
... I'd always liked the Four Horsemen's proposed Symbiotech line of large figures will smaller companion/pilots, and these beasts fit that bill nicely.

3. Original Effect - Gaya
4. Original Effect - Sam
There aren't many companies that do 1/6 figures that don't aim for "realistic" (and if they do, it's usually licensed. I've already got a Hot Toys Predator; I'm good.) These two figures have neat gear (a chainsaw scythe!) and loads of articulation.

At least I'm done with all of my collecting for the year.

Unless that Hot Toys Rocket Raccoon comes out. I'd need to buy that. But he should be cheap, right? Or will he be packaged along with Groot? Crap, that's probably what will happen.

Habit needs to be kicked.


simian, the Mighty Poo Flinger!

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Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Welcome back to the dark side. *hands plate full of cookies*


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