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Barnes & Nobel & Hallmark clearence T

2 replies [Last post]
Sun, 2012-01-08 16:27
Wheelchair Rocker's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

B & N has a big 50% off red dot items.I got a Funko BATMAN bobblehead for 5 bucks and saw all kinds of cool stuff on the red dot tables including a dc direct Supes & Doomsday box set.

Hallmark has the ornaments at 75% off and got the Nautilus from 20,000 leagues under the see for under 4 bucks.
Check your local hallmark for other ornaments.
The Christmas Peanuts plushes & other odds & ends were on sale too.

The Nautilus is really cool.


6 Strings.....Ready To Go.

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Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

Oo I forgot about that! I need to go check out what hallmark stuff is still left.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!

Gareee's picture
Joined: 2012-01-05

No batmobiles or nautilus at all at our local hallmark store. We'll check the next closest next chance we get though.


Creator of WarCow, Fantasy Castle Plus, Bonez, Griffin PLUS!, Frosty, DeadCorn, and MORE!


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