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how long do you wait before shipping a Pile of Loot from BBTS?

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19 replies [Last post]
Thu, 2012-01-19 23:10
Bobbi's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

I think it's been six months since the last time I had them ship my loot, and now I'm just waiting on one more thing to come in, but it keeps being pushed back every month.

So how long do you guys hold out before giving in and having them ship the rest of your goodies?

I'm fine waiting on the toys, because in my basement or in their warehouse, I'm probably not opening these particular items anytime soon. But waiting on the SW ice cube trays is driving me bonkers - I want to make R2-D2 ice cubes! My trays are already in the Pile of Loot, and I am about to give in soon.

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TravelNurseRN's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I usually have mine shipped around 4x per year, depending. Assuming you have more stuff pre-ordered, you might be better off shipping your loot now and waiting on more preorders for that last item you're currently waiting on. I ship sooner when it's something I'm really wanting, such as the R2-D2 & Han Solo in Carbonite ice cube trays which I needed before Halloween!

Plus, I hate letting the value of my package get too high just in case of loss/theft/damage.

Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm the gotta have it now type. The longer I am willing to wait to get something the less likely I am to actually get it. I've found that if I don't open a local purchase the day that I get it that I am likely to stare at it in the package for a week or two before I end up taking it back. I've also cut down on online purchases since I found I regretted getting most of it.

I'm an opener, but I probably opened only a half dozen toys last year. Of which, half were online purchases. Of those there are a couple that I wish I had passed on.

BTW, I agree with your unspoken sentiment that I probably have some mental issues Wink

Wildcard's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

It depends how badly I want what's in the Pile of Loot. When I collected minimates, they stayed in the pile until the DCUC or Hot Toys came in.
Likewise, the cost of the items will reflect how soon I'd want it. I'll ship my pile once the total cost exceeds $100.

NoisyDvL5's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I usually can't wait too long, but I usually tried to hold out for the DCUC Wave releases. I've got 20 in the pile right now though and still haven't shipped it...

LazarusGundam's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I usually let mine build up for 2-3 months and then ship. I try to time it for when I have a long weekend off so I have time to open everything and play with it Smile

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I usually check my account and see what's coming. If it's more than a month between items estimated arrival date, I will ship. If it's less, I hold off; I am patient. Odds are, I am not opening the majority of what I am getting right away either, so there is usually no rush.

My last Pile was the longest I have ever waited to ship -- started it in July, shipped it in December.

REMINDER: After 180 Days, your Pile of Loot will automatically ship.

Joined: 2012-01-11

REMINDER: After 180 Days, your Pile of Loot will automatically ship.

I never heard of this. I actually have something in my Pile of Loot since 2008.... I should probably contact BBTS to make sure it's still there.

Brian's picture
Joined: 2010-06-07

I have no patience, so I can never wait. I try...but I always wind up shipping it as it comes in.



simian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I wait until I have 4 or more items in there before shipping.


simian, the Mighty Poo Flinger!

Max's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm HORRIBLE about remembering to ship my loot. I seriously have had stuff pile up for 4 or 5 months worth before getting up the motivation to click the "Ship my Loot!" button.

Bobbi's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

Pile of Loot in the house! A mountain of goodies for me, a smaller pile of goodies for Rob, and a mile of bubble wrap for the kid. He's currently coloring on the outside of the box to make it into a house for the cats.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have Star Wars ice cube trays to wash and fill. Glasses

Blanka's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Oh, be adventurous, woman!

.....Use them unwashed......

Bobbi's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

I'm just not that much of a daredevil. Puzzled

Anonymous (not verified)

TRDouble wrote:
My last Pile was the longest I have ever waited to ship -- started it in July, shipped it in December.

REMINDER: After 180 Days, your Pile of Loot will automatically ship.

Is this a new rule? I know I had items in the Loot (not preorders) starting in Dec 2010 that I didn't have ship until Nov 2011

Anonymous - not verified's picture
Joined: 2012-02-06

Anonymous wrote:
TRDouble wrote:
My last Pile was the longest I have ever waited to ship -- started it in July, shipped it in December.

REMINDER: After 180 Days, your Pile of Loot will automatically ship.

Is this a new rule? I know I had items in the Loot (not preorders) starting in Dec 2010 that I didn't have ship until Nov 2011

I went ahead and signed up for an account; bummer my whole name doesn't appear. Or is that because of the avatar?

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I never knew this either, but it is listed in their Pile of Loot FAQ, although that doesn't mean it is enforced either.

John of the Dead's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I think it's 180 days of inactivity. If you have a lot on pre-order, as long as things keep coming into stock and going into your Pile O' Loot, they'll keep holding it. However, if it goes for 180 days with nothing being added to it, *that* is when they ship.


When there's no room left in Hell,
the Dead shall walk the earth.

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

John of the Dead wrote:
I think it's 180 days of inactivity. If you have a lot on pre-order, as long as things keep coming into stock and going into your Pile O' Loot, they'll keep holding it. However, if it goes for 180 days with nothing being added to it, *that* is when they ship.

That makes more sense! Thanks!

TRDouble's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Argh! I know this isn't exactly what this topic was about, but I decided not to wait and had BBTS send me my Marvel Legends case that had started a new Pile for me. I got an email this morning that it shipped today. I just got an email this afternoon that Marvel Minimates Wave 43 is now in my new Pile. DARN IT!

Ah well. If all the stuff that is supposed to arrive in March actually does, my pile won't sit for very long anyway. But I hate when that happens (I though these weren't supposed to be out until March).


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