That place just outright sucks now. JJJason is getting anonymously attacked. The anonymous trollers are beyond aggrivating. The constant attacks-- 99% of the being unwarranted or uncalled for. I'm not trying to speak for JediJones, or Jason, or Brian,whomever....but I want to talk about toys without any of the stigma surrounding my name to be brought up. Yes, I was a teenage jerkwad. Yes, I could and can be a dick (we all can). But that losers that just can't let that go? That act holier than thou. That see a name they hate (sometimes impersonate) and just pounce? Pathetic. I'm not lying when I say this: I would love to personally confront each of them.
There's something seriously wrong with them. It goes beyond trolling what they do. Mentally, they have issues.
Thank God for this new site.