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Movie Avengers are at my local TRU

3 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-02-15 16:29
Avian's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

My TRU got the new movie Avengers a few days ago. There was Captain America (new movie suit) Iron Man, and the Hulk (with brown pants?). The figures were in 3 3/4 scale. I believe each figure was around $9 or $10. Cant remember how much. There were other things like Hawkeyes bow and Captain's Shield on the bottom shelf.

I passed in hopes of cameo appearance figures to show up sometime this year, HOPING...

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Rob's picture
Joined: 2009-10-14

We saw that at a local TRU as well. They had a bunch of figures, including Thor, Cap, Iron Man, Loki and parachuting Cap. They also had a whole bunch of the MiniMuggs from the movie. Who can possibly resist a BMF MiniMugg? (I refer to Sam Jackson, aka Bad Mini Fury.) -Rob

Scotty97's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I still want to know where Hasbro is planning to put the Renner Hawkeye and Johannsson(sp?) Black Widow figures? I know they haven't finalized all their assts yet, but the asst listings so far don't have either figure listed.


Joined: 2012-01-04

Mine is reseting right now, and has the space for the Avengers stuff in the collectibles aisle. They had the mugs, but they said the rest would go out later in the month (likely the 27th street date I've seen several places). The first wave of figures was supposed to have a 2/5 street date, but no sign of any of them on any pegs around here.


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