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Davy Jones of the Monkees passes

3 replies [Last post]
Wed, 2012-02-29 11:32
Colossus Prime's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

Unfortunately being at work I'm limited to how much digging around I can do for info (look ma, no filter) so I'm not up on the details. Sad news. Loved the show, loved their music, and he seemed like a really nice guy.

EDIT: And yes I immediately realized I spelled his name wrong.


- CP

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Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

It is indeed a sad day for tambourine players everywhere! Que hombre!

Davey was why Bowie was known as, er...Bowie instead of Jones, his given name! To avoid confusion.

Mickey (they are rerunning his ancient B&W TV series, Circus Boy, where he played the blond child, Corky) has often remarked at how dismayed he is that fans STILL BELIEVE the Monkees were really musicians. (The Wrecking Crew played most of the instruments in the studio.)

At least Mike Nesmith stood up a respectable solo career subsequently...

Name 3 others who auditioned to become Monkees, but were not selected... history might have stood on its head!

Joined: 2012-01-04

Well...I'm sure it would be easy to Google, but I won't. I do know that Stephen Stills auditioned and actually recommended his roommate at the time, Peter Tork, as a possible cast member. Ultimately Tork got the job and Stills did not. Also, it has been widely rumored that Charles Manson auditioned, but that is untrue.

Another similar piece of trivia: Mickey Dolenz was a finalist for the role of The Fonz. Imagine that!

Rann's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I agree that the Manson candidacy seems dubious...

...but Paul Williams also auditioned for Monkeedom.


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