I just got an email from BigBadToyStore telling me that Mattel has canceled Larfleeze, Batman Beyond, Plastic Man, and Flash. Anybody know what's going on there? Is Mattel still screwing with the line-ups, or are they cutting the online retailers out of the loop? If Mattel makes this line remotely difficult to find, I have no qualms about walking away - these aren't worth chasing all over heck and breakfast to find. Pre-orders with BBTS is about the only way I've been willing to collect this line. So: anyone out these know what's going on here?
EDIT: While I was composing this, BBTS cancelled several of the wave 3 figures as well. However, they updated their listing for the wave 1 full wave. They now show Red Robin, Superboy Prime, Batman (JLA), and Superman (JLA) as being wave 1. It looks like it may be a few waves being shuffled by Mattel. Whoo boy.