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Mattel cancels DCUC Larfleeze, Batman Beyond, and Plastic Man?

7 replies [Last post]
Fri, 2012-03-09 12:22
John of the Dead's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I just got an email from BigBadToyStore telling me that Mattel has canceled Larfleeze, Batman Beyond, Plastic Man, and Flash. Anybody know what's going on there? Is Mattel still screwing with the line-ups, or are they cutting the online retailers out of the loop? If Mattel makes this line remotely difficult to find, I have no qualms about walking away - these aren't worth chasing all over heck and breakfast to find. Pre-orders with BBTS is about the only way I've been willing to collect this line. So: anyone out these know what's going on here?

EDIT: While I was composing this, BBTS cancelled several of the wave 3 figures as well. However, they updated their listing for the wave 1 full wave. They now show Red Robin, Superboy Prime, Batman (JLA), and Superman (JLA) as being wave 1. It looks like it may be a few waves being shuffled by Mattel. Whoo boy.


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Joined: 2012-01-04

It sounds like Mattel is just changing the line-ups and thus cancelling the original orders. Of course, Mattel has, on several occasions when they had their usual problems filling retailer orders, shafted e-tailers like Big Bad and cancelled their orders.

Mattel is definitely having issues with actually making their toys right now, as the continuing delays and mounting delays with the MOTUC line attests. My theory is that they, for some inexplicable reason, have a more limited production capability right now and the Dark Knight toy orders may be stressing those resources, causing a domino effect in other lines. They've had problems meeting orders for the last decade, but this seems particularly bad this year.

Poe Ghostal's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

I'm sure at least a few of the missing figures will be shuffled into Club Infinite Earths...

Poe Ghostal's picture
Joined: 2012-01-04

scott metzger wrote:
My theory is that they, for some inexplicable reason, have a more limited production capability right now and the Dark Knight toy orders may be stressing those resources, causing a domino effect in other lines. They've had problems meeting orders for the last decade, but this seems particularly bad this year.

Could be the increased production of DKR toys running up against the Chinese New Year, thus setting off a delay chain reaction.

Joined: 2012-02-05

The problem I would guess is with labor and or raw materials in China. This has been building up for a couple of years as much of the toy labor is leaving for electronics as it pays much better and I am sure with the jump in oil it has affected not only their prices for raw materials but also availability as people are stockpiling oil to see what happens with Iran. Just a thought.

Nebraska's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I could see Larfleeze & Flashpoint Plastic Man being candidates for Club Infinite Earths, but I also see collectors being ticked about that. Myself included.

Joined: 2012-01-03

Nebraska wrote:
I could see Larfleeze & Flashpoint Plastic Man being candidates for Club Infinite Earths, but I also see collectors being ticked about that. Myself included.

I'd hate both of them being in it. But putting that pointless, god-awful Plastic Man in it would certainly make people think twice about renewing the following year.

Greg Easton's picture
Joined: 2012-01-03

I'm sure Matty will choose the worst possible outcome and then (bleep) on you customers endlessly for not shutting up and taking it.


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